Thursday, October 25, 2007

Full Speed Ahead!

I have made a semi-final decision about my major. I am going to try to double-major in Elementary Education and Religion/Philosophy for a semester. If it is too much work, or I don't like it, or there are other things I want to do which I wouldn't be able to do with the double major, I will go from there. But as for now, I am very content with my decision.

I will be taking LOTS of gen-eds next semester, so I'm not sure that it will actually give me a good idea of how busy I will be with the double-major, but I'll just take it as it comes. Until then, I made the decision to put the pedal to the metal on my academics. I slacked off this week - extraordinarily (for me). I decided that this weekend I am going to commit myself to catching up on readings, finishing papers, and filling my mind with ideas for upcomming projects. I want to get my GPA up as high as possible, so that it is not as much of a concern next semester. We'll see how long this vigor lasts.

I am quite excited about this change. I was so ready for a change of pace. I think that I get restless in El Ed so easily because teaching is not all that I want to do. But over the past week I have realized how crucial a degree in teaching will be for me in the future. Not only will I use what I am learning in ministry, but I will also very likely teach in a school while attending Seminary. Also, it's a back-up plan for if it turns out that the Lord isn't calling me to ministry (I must clarify that I do not in any way doubt my call to ministry, but Jesus has many ways of working, and I cannot ever assume that I know exactly where He wants me or why I feel Him working in the ways that I do).

Sam and I were talking today about where we see ourselves for the rest of our lives (it began with Sam telling me that I have to have at least one girl, so that our girls can be best friends... and then we decided that one of my boys will marry one of her girls. But we have to live near each other for these plans to succeed). I go through stages of how I feel about my future. One day it excites me to think about the uncertainty of where I am headed, and the next I can feel overwhelmed and scared because I don't know where I'm going. There are also the days when I feel like I know exactly where I am headed, and I am so very excited about it; while there are other days that I think about where I think that I am headed and I am scared to death about it. There are so many directions that I see my life going in right now. It can be overwhelming and scary and at the same time feel adventurous and exciting! I think that the two things that are really on my mind the most, though, are getting married (of course) and missionary work. I have mixed feelings about both of these things, but at the same time I am constantly open to wherever God wants to lead me. Now that's a pretty cool feeling!

Well, this got long, and it's past my bedtime. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

CMC Interview

I just wanted to update those of you who were praying for me yesterday about my interview. It went very well. Actually, I don't think it had anything to do with what I said or did. When I left the room and the MEG Board was deliberating, I told my dad that I really didn't feel like I communicated well at all. But he told me that I did - and I think that was totally God's doing. The board is going to recommend me for Conference Ministerial Candidacy. The next step toward becoming a CMC (no, I'm not one yet...) is to attend the annual conference at the end of May and give my testimony and answer questions about my call. At that time, the conference will vote and I will either become a CMC or I won't.

God is moving - and whether He wills that I become a CMC or not, I know that His plan is beautiful and perfect. I'm not going to worry about it, and I don't want to make a big deal out of it either. If this is where God is calling me, this is where I will be. If not, that doesn't say anything about who I am or whether God will use me. I'm leaving this in His hands. Thank you all for your prayers through this process.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Christmas in October?

I have been in a Christmas mood since yesterday morning. Kinda random. I'm just glad that I had a CD of Christmas music to play (over and over and over again) yesterday, because otherwise I don't know what I would have done with myself!

I'm in the Library right now, and I just finished my homework. I have another hour before I have to do anything, so I figured I would update my blog! I don't really have anything spectacular to report, though. There was an article about LIVE in the Beacon (our school newspaper), and it got a WONDERFUL review! It made me very happy. My next event is the Barn Party, on the 26th. The 26th also happens to be the day that I register for classes! Wow, that came up fast!

I am going to try to double-major. I don't remember if I have mentioned this yet or not, but I switched my concentration to Spanish (from Language Arts). My goal throughout my college career (well, one anyways) is to become fluent in Spanish. I am going to stay in Education with my SPanish concentration, and try to pick up a double-major with Religion and Philosophy. I at least want a minor in Biblical Studies. We'll see if I can end up doing the major. I may stay an extra year, because I really would like this experience.

I got my ears peirced this weekend!! That's what I spent my Birthday money on! :-D I am so glad that I did it... but I'm already wishing I could take out these boring things and replace them with fun dangly ones! Oh, well. I will be able to wear fun jewlery by Thanksgiving - which means that I need to go earring shopping for Winter Formal (which was my motivation to let someone punch holes in my ears in the first place).

I have been invited for an interview to become a Conference Ministerial Candidate! This is the next step in the process to be ordained in the Free Methodist Church. My interview is on Wednesday night, so please keep me in your prayers. I am so very nervous, but I know that if this is the direction that God is leading me in (which I think it is), He will make it happen.

I have been working very hard in my studies. I am getting pretty good grades so far, so I suppose it's paying off. Plus, I'm learning so much!! With El Ed it's weird, because a lot of the stuff that I'm learning seems to be common sense to me, but actually learning it gives that common sense purpose and reason, which helps me make more connections and conciously apply what I'm learning to my teaching strategies. It's funny to learn, for example, how to write a lesson, and realize that I was applying these strategies all summer without even realizing what I was doing or why I was doing it. Teaching really comes so naturally to me, which is a big reason why I feel confident that I could possibly handle a double major. The time commitment is the only thing I'm really worried about.

Anyways, I still have 45 minutes until I have to be done, but I won't bore you with 45 more minutes worth of words. You're welcome. :) Have a fabulous weekend!!