Tuesday, August 28, 2007



It's the second day of classes and already I'm procrastinating on my homework! But I don't have another class until 3:05 today, so I've got some time to myself... then of course there's tonight!!

I am SO excited about my First Year Seminar class. This year I'm a mentor for 17 of the freshmen (the ones in my section of FYS). I am really getting into it. I met the students on Saturday for dinner and I think they like me... and I like them!! I was very overtired when I met them, so I was extremally hyper and just all over the place, but I think that it helped them see how excited I am not only about school, but about being their mentor! Today is our first class. I have great hopes for this class.

My first executive cabinet meeting is tomorrow night. Exec Cab is basically the leaders of the Student Association (President, VP, Chaplain, Senate Chair, Social Life Chair, Intramurals Director). I'm the Social Life Chair this year. I'm a little nervous about this meeting, because I have to tell them about what's going on in Social Life... and I'm running out of things to tell them (we had training week all last week, and we did a lot of sharing about what's been going on).

My room is all set up!! And it looks really good! I love it. Sometime I'll steal Sam's camera and put a picture of it up. It makes me very happy.

Well, that's enough procrastinating. Back to homework. :)

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