Thursday, October 18, 2007

CMC Interview

I just wanted to update those of you who were praying for me yesterday about my interview. It went very well. Actually, I don't think it had anything to do with what I said or did. When I left the room and the MEG Board was deliberating, I told my dad that I really didn't feel like I communicated well at all. But he told me that I did - and I think that was totally God's doing. The board is going to recommend me for Conference Ministerial Candidacy. The next step toward becoming a CMC (no, I'm not one yet...) is to attend the annual conference at the end of May and give my testimony and answer questions about my call. At that time, the conference will vote and I will either become a CMC or I won't.

God is moving - and whether He wills that I become a CMC or not, I know that His plan is beautiful and perfect. I'm not going to worry about it, and I don't want to make a big deal out of it either. If this is where God is calling me, this is where I will be. If not, that doesn't say anything about who I am or whether God will use me. I'm leaving this in His hands. Thank you all for your prayers through this process.


Chris S. said...

It is really cool to see where you are now, where you are headed and look back to see where you were a few years ago!

I just got done meeting with Thea about a project for one of her youth ministry classes and was thinking the same thing!

It is great to see God working in both of your lives, fueling a passion to serve Him!

FYI- In the four years of annual conferences that I have been to everyone has been approved by unanimous vote:-)

Phillip Andrew said...

congrats on fixing the typo :-P