Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pressing On

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't written in a while. This week has been pretty horrible. Schoolwork is bogging me down like never before. I got so behind this week simply because of personal issues and Social Life stuff that seemed to take up all of my energy. As a result, this weekend is also hard. I'm just trying to get through it at this point and go home for Thanksgiving break. I'm so glad there aren't classes after Tuesday.

I have a research paper due tomorrow and a test that I have to do very very very well on in order to bring up my grade in that class. I got an extension on another paper that was due tomorrow also because that was just too much to try to handle this weekend. I don't know how I'm going to do it. We'll see.

Anyways, that's why there hasn't been a new post in a while. I won't go into detail about why this past week was bad, but I have to say that in the midst of it all, I am so very blessed. My friends are pretty much amazing -- and my family is, too. My dad is in town until Tuesday when he's going to bring me home, and seeing him brightened up my weekend! And, as always, I am so thankful for the friends that I have made here at school. They are a true blessing to me. I don't know what I would do without the late-night chats, tickle wars (and snorting - AUDREY!), and the time spent skipping class to talk about what's been going on. I've also been so blessed with a great church here -- and transportation!! No matter how bad things get (or seem to be), the Lord has been looking out for me. I am so thankful for that!
**In the Pictures**
Top Pic -- From back to front
Left: Sarah, me
Right: Audrey, Kelsey, Ashley
Bottom Pic -- From Left to Right
Me, Phil, Ashley, Kelsey
Happy Thanksgiving week!!

~ Lizzy

Monday, November 5, 2007

Weekend Thrills

This weekend was probably the best one yet. I worked hard, and I played hard. I ended up accomplishing my goal: to finish all of my homework for Monday and Tuesday. Horray for time management!!

Besides getting lots of schoolwork done, I made time to play! :) Come on, what is college for?

Friday night Sam and I decided that we were going to hang out, so when she got out of work she came over to my dorm to figure out what we were gonna do. I left the room for about a minute, and came back to find her wearing my clothes. Sam is so funny that way - if you put clothes in front of her (no matter what context) and leave her alone for more than a few seconds, you will come back to find her clothes - along with many of your clothes - scattered across the floor and the items that used to be neatly hung up in your closet will instead be on her.

Anyways, since she was in the mood to dress up and I was in the mood to see a movie, we got all dressed up and went to the dollar theater to see Harry Potter. It was so much fun! I think that one of the strangest parts of the whole night, though, was going to garlock all dressed up like that.

Saturday was going to be homework day, but I didn't get much done. The gang (me, ashley, kelsey, nate, and phil) and gwen, another friend of ours, all went bowling, and then hung out at BTs! That was a lot of fun.

Sunday was probably the best. I went to Northgate as always. The message was good - and very touching - it was about marriage. After church, I got a lot of homework done. Actually, I got all of it done in anticipation of going out that night. After I had all my homework done, Phil gave me a piano lesson!! Horray!! I'm worse than I was last year... and then I went out with some other friends to Spot then a service. Okay, now for the best part of my weekend!! This church service was amazing. It was a candlelight concert at Christ Church Episcopal. I loved it! I want to go every week. I think it was so cool because there was no speaking - there was a pianist and then a (gregorian??) choir. I felt like I was just sitting in the presence of God. It would be so nice to go to a free methodist church on Sunday mornings, and then this Episcopal service on Sunday nights. It was such a nice way to start the new week - just being there in the presence of the Lord. Did I mention that I loved it?!

I am looking forward to this week. I feel like getting so much work done this weekend has given me a good start. I want to do all of my homework two days early, so that the pressure is off the night before something is due. We'll see how long I stick to this.

Well, it's time for me to go. Thanks for reading!! Happy week!