Friday, January 30, 2009

It's been a while...

...sorry about that. I feel like all I do anymore is work and sleep and work and sleep. Oh well. This weekend I'm at home (being held here against my will -- ok, it's not that dramatic). Tomorrow I'm going to have to go to school to use the textbook that's on reserve for my class to do my homework. My goal is to not buy that book.

I went to a 20s/30s event at my church today. It was a lot of fun -- it was held in our adventure center and we did a lot of getting to know you games. A great way to start the weekend! It was kind of depressing at first, though, to be honest because it seemed like everyone was coming as couples... and, of course, Phil's in Rochester.

My dad is home from the hospital (he had open heart surgery last week) and he's doing very well. He has had a rough day, I think, but overall considering what he's been through he's recovering very well. It's hard for him to sleep through the night, and when he doesn't get enough sleep it makes the day difficult. I think he got 3 hours last night.

As for me, I already said that I'm working and sleeping, working and sleeping. I enjoy my job... but sometimes I have to remind myself of that fact. These toddlers are certainly keeping me busy!! And they're hurting my back too... My mom got me a gift certificate for a 1 hour massage and I'm wondering if it would be better to use it now or later.

I'm working 7:30-4:30 every day next week! So, in other words, you won't be hearing from me for a while :-P

Until next time...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

And it begins...

Well, tomorrow is the first day of classes, and I'm not at school. I've been trying to keep my mind off of it, and it's been working pretty well. Keeping the radio on, cleaning my room, and writing a mission statement for myself for the semester are three things that I have been up to tonight! I also made a candle (kinda) and did one and a half loads of laundry.

Last Friday I got really sick. There has been something going around the in the infant rooms at my daycare, and of course I've been with the infants for the past two weeks, so I picked it up! It was miserable, especially since I was supposed to go to Rochester to see Sam and Phil on Friday. Thankfully it turned out to only be a 24 hour bug and I was able to go yesterday and stay until today.

I got a promotion!! I will be the lead teacher in the Toddler 1 room. I think I'll get to start sometime this week, but I'm not sure. This means better pay, better hours, more hours, and a more predictable schedule. It's certainly a God thing -- especially since the room that I'll be teaching in is where a lot of the kids that I was with a lot last summer are (I was with them in the infant room).