Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh, Snap! link

If you want to watch that "Oh, Snap!" clip, here's the link! I just think it's hilarious!!


I'm Gonna Miss This


Sometimes all I need is to listen to this song to remind me to look for the good in my sittuations. It's crazy - at first when I think about things that I'm going to miss, I think about my future. I know that I will miss the things that I'm looking forward to when they're over, but it takes a lot for me to think about how I'll miss my life right now. I've been counting down the days, weeks, and months for so long now that it's become my total focus - just getting through this season of my life and on to the next. But when I'm honest with myself I'm really going to miss my kids, my boss, my classroom, coming home to my family, not having homework, and countless other little details about this season of my life that I overlook on a daily basis. It shouldn't be about getting through to the next day - it should be about savoring every moment that I have where I am right now, because chances are, I won't be able to relive it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Oh, Snap!

I titled this post "Oh, Snap!" because it is part of a quote from the movie Bolt that Rachel, Phil, and I have been quoting all weekend long. There are 2 pigeons talking to Bolt, the TV show dog:

Pigeon #1 - "We have an idea for your show! My associate, Ronald, will take it from here. Ronald?"
Pigeon #2 - (Just stands there)
Pigeon #1 - "Wait for it..."
Pigeon #2 - (Just stands there)
Pigeon #1 - "Wait for it..."
Pigeon #2 - (Stands there a moment longer) "Aliens."
Pigeon #1 - "Oh, snap!"

Well, we thought it was funny!

For Mother's Day today we went out to lunch... and guess who was there! Richard Gere!!!! He was having dinner with his family. I didn't see him, but my dad did. It was very exciting. I guess his mom went to school with the manager or something... and so they go to dinner there often. I can't imagine how hard it must be for him to just go out to dinner - anywhere - with his mother on Mother's Day. He was wearing a hat so as not to attract attention, but it didn't do much. I think just about everyone in the restaurant knew he was there.

I'm teaching Kid's Church on the 31st. And my roomies are coming to visit the weekend after next. That will be fun! I was never able to find a job in Rochester, so I'm staying here for the summer. So let us restart the countdown: About 3 months left. I'll be going back to school a week early for SA training, and the week before that I'm taking a vacation to New Jersey - where one of my roommates (Andrea) lives. So there's lots to look forward to, and a very short time left to be here.

Not sure yet what's going to happen with KC Camp... right now it looks like I'll be teaching unless someone else steps up. We'll see! And as far as Phil and I go... well, hopefully you'll be looking at pics of a ring soon! ;) Just a heads-up! (No pressure Phil... actually, I take that back -- a lot of pressure!!) :-P