Saturday, September 29, 2007

Birthweek and Homecomming

My birthday was pretty much amazing! I was SO overly excited about it this year - I think that's because I haven't been able to get excited about my birthday since my 16th (because I didn't do anything for my 17th, and I didn't have close college friends to celebrate with for my 18th), so it was long overdue.

My family came on Monday to celebrate with me. We went out to Olive Garden, and they brought brownies for my floor for Wednesday. It was really, really nice! On Tuesday night, I was out of my room for a long time because there was a soccer game, and when I came back to my room, my friends had decorated it with crepe paper... alllll over!! It made me feel SO loved!! At midnight I got about a million "Happy Birthday's" from the girls on my floor. I thought that Wednesday (my actual Birthday) was going to be horrible because Wednesdays are my busiest days... and I had packed it even more full with meetings and such. But the Lord was watching out for me, and all of my meetings went SO smoothly, and got out on time so I was on perfect time for my next meeting. Sam and I got lost looking for Party City, which was a ton of fun... and when we got back we had brownies with my dorm!! What a perfect birthday!!

Thursday was my very first event as Social Life Director!! We had a Glow in the Dark Sports night in the VAC. It went SO WELL!!!! We had about 120 people show up, which was over our goal of 100, and there were people who didn't even want to leave after we turned the lights back on. People loved the pizza and glow sticks and glow volleyball, soccer, basketball, and frizbee. It was awesome!!

Yesterday was my second event as Social Life Director - and it went VERY VERY VERY well!!!!!! It was a variety/talent show in Hale that we have every semester called LIVE. The pressure was on to make it a good show, because LIVE last semester was pretty awesome. Julia, the Student Association President, told me after the show that this was the best LIVE that they've had in years, and we had the best hosts that we've ever had! Sam took me out to Java's after the show to celebrate, which was just perfect!

So, basically, this week was pretty amazing. And now it's the weekend, which means I get to finally sleep!! How exciting! Why I'm not sleeping right now, I don't know. lol

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fifth Week

Lots happening at Roberts Wesleyan College!! It's the end of the fifth week of classes, and I am still loving it! Next week is going to be crazy though, because it's Homecomming week and Social Life is sponsoring two events, separated by less than 24 hours. I am going to be going insane next week, to say the least!

Today I made my switch of concentration official! I am still an Elementary Education major, but rather than concentrating on Language Arts, I now will have a concentration in Spanish. I am much more happy with this, as I know that I would have been taking a lot of Spanish classes anyways - now they can count toward my major!

There has been lots of work in all my classes. I have my first test tomorrow in Child and Adolescent Development, which I think will go well. My OPE (Observation/Participation Experience... you should feel special - I had to look that up for you!) began this week! I am in Ms. Penns' class. Ms. Penns is an interesting teacher to say the least. She has a very different personality than I do, which makes for a very educational experience for me. She is harsh and tough; a little rough around the edges, but in a way that is a good thing for her students. I think I will be learning a lot from her. I love applying what I am learning in my education classes to my everyday life!! I am taking an Educational Psychology class this semester, and it is so interesting to watch the kids in my OPE and relate it to what I have been learning.

My hardest class this semester would either be Educational Psychology or Writing and Research. I'm getting good grades in both, but it's taking quite a bit of work. I surely have never worked this hard at school in my life! First Year Seminar Mentoring may be listed on my list of harder classes as well, simply because it's a lot of work outside of class. I have to read and grade the journals of all of the freshmen in my class, and I have to meet regularly with my professor to discuss what the classes will be about. It can be quite challenging at times. I am having a lot of trouble with my professor, only because I don't think that he really understands what this class is supposed to be about. He's treating it like a literature course, which is far from what it should be. It has been exceedingly frusterating the past few weeks, but I think that God is trying to teach me that I need to just suck it up and soak it in (I have to make the most of my circumstances, and realize that I can learn in any sittuation that I am given).

Well, I'm headed off to a R&H cookout. Have a beautiful weekend!! I probably will be too busy next week to write anything.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Other Blogs

Hey! I was thinking, and I don't think that many people really know all of the ways that they can keep in touch with me. So here are some other ways that you can contact me if you want:

Room Phone: Email me if you want to know my room phone # - this is the only place that I can really talk because my cell phone has limited minutes

Cell Phone: Email me if you want to know my cell # - I can't talk for long on this because I have limited minutes, though

Facebook: Search for Elizabeth Macaluso within the Roberts Wesleyan College network on I think you'll have to create an account first, and then add me as a friend!


AIM: joy4jc2464

MSN Messenger:


Address: Email me if you want to know my address at school

That's all that I can think of!! I love hearing from you!!
~ wibby

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I love my Friends!!

Today I had to do a "walk through" the dorms to let people know about auditions that Social Life is holding for a talent show. I had never done it before, so I had no idea what to expect. Two of my friends decided to come along with me - Ashley and Kelsey. It turned out that it took us two hours to go through 1.5 dorms... yeah, it took a LONG time!! I have the best friends in the world!!!!!!!! They stuck with me through it all... and they didn't complain once!!
In the picture, Kelsey is to my right and Ashley is to my left (looking at the picture, from left to right - Kelsey, Me, Ashley). This picture was taken last year - I think on the way to the RPO. Anyways, the point is that they're AMAZING!!!!