Wednesday, April 9, 2008

God Has A Plan

Last night I found out that I was not accepted to be on the Students Association again next year. I had interviewed on Monday, and I honestly had no idea how the interview went... But when I got that email, I felt heartbroken. I was depressed and I felt like I was worthless. I had to keep telling myself that it was not a judgement of my character -- it was just that a decision needed to be made.

Well, last night after I got that news I had a paper to write, so I went to the library. All that I really needed at that point was for someone to tell me something nice about me -- that I am good at what I do and specifically tell me what I have done that was worthwhile... I needed some encouragement from someone. Ever feel that way? I was aching for it. Well, by the grace of God two friends of mine showed up at the library and stopped by to talk - both of which always seem to put a smile on my face. One imparticular, though - Evan - he only sees the good in people. He really helped me to see some good things about myself. It was really encouraging to talk to him.

Anyways, I was walking back to my dorm really late last night and just praying about it -- and I think that God spoke to me through myself (has that ever happened to you?? It's kind of weird). I was telling Him that I KNOW that His plan is better than my own for myself, and I KNOW that down the raod I'm going to look back on this as a positive experience, but right now I am just crushed. I'm hurt and depressed and anxious about what next year will bring. And that's when I realized -- how stupid is it to be depressed and anxious about the fact that God's got even better plans for me than I did for myself?! If I know that down the road I will be glad that I didn't get an SA position, why am I wasting my time being sad about it?? It just doesn't make sense.

So, now I'm just trying to remember that... God has a plan -- and it's even better than the plan I had for myself for next semester! And - best of all - it's going to be a surprise!! (I'm not sure how I feel about the surprise part, but I'm working on it...)

And that's what's going on in the life of Elizabeth this week... thanks for reading!

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