Friday, June 27, 2008

Post #50!!!!

Wow, I can't believe that it's already Post #50... and yet, at the same time, I can't believe it's only been 50 posts... weird...

Well, let's see... a lot has been going on. I preached on Sunday about Esther. If you want to hear the sermon you can go to and click on the part 5 message.

KC Camp starts the first week in July -- AKA next week!!!! I'm not ready... though I am VERY excited!! And I'm teaching Kid's Church this week. Sam's going to be here for the next three weekends (though this weekend she'll only be here on Sunday), and Phil is coming with her next weekend (to see the Cuevas!!!!!!!!! AAHH I can't wait!!!!)

I have been working a good 35-40 hours a week... and I still love it!! There was one day this week that was just awful, but I think that was mainly because I was sick... Oh, yeah... I've been sick since last Thursday -- just a really bad cold that I can't seem to get rid of. I'm hoping to get a TON of sleep this weekend so that I can nip it in the bud.

Love you all!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I know

i need to update, i know... but i can't right now

just thought i'd post something quick to let you know i'm still alive :) hopefully i'll have enough sanity after work one of these days to write something :-P

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Last Week and This Week :)

Wow, It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Sorry about that...

Well, this is week two at my new job, and I just love it!! I couldn't be happier -- I get to play with kids all day long! It can get stressful at times, expecially since some of these kids are quite a handful, but I still love it! My worst day yet hasn't been nearly as bad as a good day at Friendly's last summer, if that helps put it in perspective. :-D

Since I'm exhausted every day after work, I haven't been getting much else done. I had a meeting with Karen last week and it wasn't until I showed up that I realized I hadn't done anything for KC Camp since our last meeting. Oh, well. I'm glad she's so understanding.

This week I'm preaching on Sunday, and I have another meeting with Karen on Saturday, so I have a lot to do after work every day this week (which is probably why I'm updating... because there are things to do!) I'm such a procrastinator -- it really is awful!

Sam came last weekend and it was simply wonderful! We both needed some time together, so it was really nice. And Phil is coming for a visit this weekend!! Oh, I just can't wait!! (Cuevas: Phil and Sam will both be here the weekend that you are here, so you'll get to see Sam and finally meet Phil!!)

My family is going to Michigan in July, and they will also be going to Getaway Camp without me (because I have to stay here and make money). I'm a little nervous about how I will be in the house alone, so we'll see...

Here are some pics from this weekend with my Samantha Allison!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I got a job!!

I am so very blessed!! I was hired on Thursday at the Childtime Learning Center. Praise Jesus!! I will be more of a substitute teacher for them, but the director said that I can expect to get about 30 hours a week, and sometimes it might even be 40! I plan to get another job (maybe Family Video or babysitting??) for the evenings. I'm very excited. I had to get a TB test (AAHH) and fingerprinted before I could start, so after my second appointment at the doctor's tomorrow I can fill out the paperwork and start training!!

I really am so blessed. Thank you all so very very much for all your prayers. On Thursday I got a call from a woman who was looking for a summer babysitter 2 times a week for the whole day. I had put out some fliers around my neighborhood advertising myself as a nanny, and my next door neighbor gave this woman my name. There is another family that goes to my church that (i heard through the grapevine) is thinking about giving me a call. I won't be able to help the first woman out at all, because of my job at Childtime. I'm going to give her Rachel's name, though. I'm hoping that something works out with the second family, though. We'll see.

Yesterday I helped Julie Rumo and Stephanie Simon as they took pictures of the CNS Lacrosse teams. I collected money at a tent while they took pictures. It was soooo hot, but very worth it!

This is my first weekend since summer began that I don't get to spend with Phil, and honestly, it's been kinda hard for me. I am looking forward to seeing how God uses this summer to bring the two of us closer to Him, and to help us each grow individually so that we can grow together. It's the times like this weekend that are really difficult for me, though. Oh, well. Love never fails.

I have been meditating on 1 Corinthians 13 for a while now. When I began, it was because I wanted to get better at showing Phil how much I love him, but as I thought about the passage and prayed about it, I realized more and more how much God was telling me to love my family more.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

I have to say, it's a lot more difficult for me to apply this to my family than it is for me to apply it to my relationship with Phil or Sam. I guess it's just because you get to pick your friends; you're stuck with your family. I'm not saying that my family is hard to love, but it just doesn't come as naturally to me. How crazy is that?!?! Shouldn't your family be the people that you love the most? Shouldn't they be the people that you want to be the friendliest to, and spend the most time with? Well, I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't feel that way. Anyways, that's something that I have been really trying to do more of lately, and honestly I've been really struggling with it. But the Bible teaches that if you don't struggle with something like this, you won't develop perseverance or strength. If you don't struggle to be the person that God is calling you to be, what's the point?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I had hoped that by today I would be writing a post about my new job, but let me update you in case you are wondering what's been going in with the job search.

Last Friday I went in to the Childtime Learning Center to see if any progress had been made on my application, and they interviewed me on the spot! It was a loooong interview, with some difficult questions, but overall I felt like it went very very well. After the interview, Lisa (the director) gave me a tour of the building and told me that she would call me on Monday to let me know if the director in B'ville wants to hire me (the position I am applying for is only open in B'ville).

Well, it's Tuesday and I still don't know what's going to happen with this job. I called yesterday afternoon to ask about it and Lisa, who sounded very busy, said she hadn't heard yet and that she would check... soon. There was a baby crying and she really didn't sound like she had any time yesterday to worry about passing on news from another building to me.

Anyways, I'm hoping and praying for the call to come today, and for the person on the other line to have good news for me! We'll see.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your prayers!