Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Last Week and This Week :)

Wow, It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Sorry about that...

Well, this is week two at my new job, and I just love it!! I couldn't be happier -- I get to play with kids all day long! It can get stressful at times, expecially since some of these kids are quite a handful, but I still love it! My worst day yet hasn't been nearly as bad as a good day at Friendly's last summer, if that helps put it in perspective. :-D

Since I'm exhausted every day after work, I haven't been getting much else done. I had a meeting with Karen last week and it wasn't until I showed up that I realized I hadn't done anything for KC Camp since our last meeting. Oh, well. I'm glad she's so understanding.

This week I'm preaching on Sunday, and I have another meeting with Karen on Saturday, so I have a lot to do after work every day this week (which is probably why I'm updating... because there are things to do!) I'm such a procrastinator -- it really is awful!

Sam came last weekend and it was simply wonderful! We both needed some time together, so it was really nice. And Phil is coming for a visit this weekend!! Oh, I just can't wait!! (Cuevas: Phil and Sam will both be here the weekend that you are here, so you'll get to see Sam and finally meet Phil!!)

My family is going to Michigan in July, and they will also be going to Getaway Camp without me (because I have to stay here and make money). I'm a little nervous about how I will be in the house alone, so we'll see...

Here are some pics from this weekend with my Samantha Allison!!

1 comment:

Team Cueva said...

so glad you had some time with sam. i think it is wonderful how much you love your job. can't wait to see you and meet phil!!!!
miss and love you!