Thursday, March 26, 2009

Reason #4

And today's reason is...

I'm their "mama"

I know that the parents of my kids wouldn't be too happy to hear this, but it's true: I've become a second mother to these children! When I leave the room, Christina* cries like it's her job. Before I leave at the end of the day, I have to get a hug from every young one in my room. Before they leave, they blow me kisses. Not to mention they often call me "mama." And I must admit -- I love being "mama."

I have to add a side-note:
Today I was reading a book that had a picture of a cow in it. I told Nick,* "Say 'Cow,' Nick!" And he said, "Moo!"

*Names have been changed to protect confidentiality of the children in my class :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Reason #3

Okay, Okay... I know that I haven't exactly been keeping up on my reasons... but I have been thinking about them throughout the day - - and most days I come up with one! Here is today's:

I tooted!

This morning I was doing paperwork (filling out what the kids were eating for breakfast and such) when I heard one of the kids announce "I tooted!!" Now, there's something that you should know about 2-year-olds. If they have something to say, they'll say it - and if they don't think you heard them the first time, they'll repeat it. Louder. And again and again and again. Until you acknowledge their existance and what they are saying.

"I tooted!" "I tooted!!" "I tooted!!!!"

Let me tell you - sometimes it's not only annoying.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reason #2

Yesterday my reason for liking work came by 7:15am!

The way my kids sit in my lap

Yesterday morning Carmen (her name has been changed for confidentiality) reminded me to appreciate the little things when she sat in my lap to hear a story. When my kids give me a book to read, I sit cross-legged on the floor so someone can sit in my lap. Since I only have one lap, there is often some fighting about who gets to sit there... but they have smartened-up lately and now one child will sit in my lap, one on my right knee, and another on my left knee. That only leaves two kids without lap space. It's cute.

Carmen gave me her book and then turned around, stuck her but out, and shuffled her feet backwards until she got to my lap. It's the cutest thing ever!! And she's the cutest when she does it (though all my kids do it to some extent). Then, when it's time to get up, she has to heave herself up two or three times, ricking front and back and front and back, until I give her a little push. Very cute! :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Reason #1

I have decided that as a way to like work more and as a way to update my blog more often, I will come up with one thing that I like about work each day. So here's my first: Reason #1 to enjoy work is.... (dum dun dun duuuum)

When I sing a song, I get applauded!

Today I asked my kids what they wanted to sing and one of them told me (as she always does) "ABC!" Another told me her usual choice: "a wow wow" (which, in 20-month-old terms is "Row Row Row Your Boat"). Since we had already sung "a wow wow," we sang ABC's. Or, should I say, I sang ABC's. Usually a few of them join me, but today they got distracted and a few of them even walked away while I was singing. So I felt very alone in what turned out to be my solo alphabet song. But when I was finished, one of my kids said "YAY!" and clapped her hands for me! That's today's reason to love work! I always get applause when I'm finished singing. And I'm sure it's just about the only place that will happen for me. ;)