Monday, July 13, 2009


I know it's been almost 2 months since I last updated but I figured that just in case I have some very dedicated readers, this bit of information is certainly worth posting! Phil and I are engaged!!

Last Tuesday night (7-6-09) Phil and I were hanging out. We had made plans for me to make him dinner and then we were going to watch some episodes of Friends that we just bought on DVD. We ate dinner and had no room for dessert, so we decided that we would take an intermission from Friends to eat dessert. When that time came, Phil kept spilling crumbs all over my comforter -- so I told him to clean it up! He brushed the crumbs onto the floor and I yelled at him. So he got down on the floor to clean up the crumbs, and looked up at me (on one knee) and said, "Elizabeth, will you marry me?" I looked at him and didn't believe that he was really asking, so I asked, "Are you really asking me?" He told me he was, and apparently (according to Phil) I didn't say yes, but nodded my head. Then he pulled out the ring from his laptop case, put it on my shaking hand, and asked, "So, is that a yes?" And I said, "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!"

We are so happy!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh, Snap! link

If you want to watch that "Oh, Snap!" clip, here's the link! I just think it's hilarious!!

I'm Gonna Miss This

Sometimes all I need is to listen to this song to remind me to look for the good in my sittuations. It's crazy - at first when I think about things that I'm going to miss, I think about my future. I know that I will miss the things that I'm looking forward to when they're over, but it takes a lot for me to think about how I'll miss my life right now. I've been counting down the days, weeks, and months for so long now that it's become my total focus - just getting through this season of my life and on to the next. But when I'm honest with myself I'm really going to miss my kids, my boss, my classroom, coming home to my family, not having homework, and countless other little details about this season of my life that I overlook on a daily basis. It shouldn't be about getting through to the next day - it should be about savoring every moment that I have where I am right now, because chances are, I won't be able to relive it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Oh, Snap!

I titled this post "Oh, Snap!" because it is part of a quote from the movie Bolt that Rachel, Phil, and I have been quoting all weekend long. There are 2 pigeons talking to Bolt, the TV show dog:

Pigeon #1 - "We have an idea for your show! My associate, Ronald, will take it from here. Ronald?"
Pigeon #2 - (Just stands there)
Pigeon #1 - "Wait for it..."
Pigeon #2 - (Just stands there)
Pigeon #1 - "Wait for it..."
Pigeon #2 - (Stands there a moment longer) "Aliens."
Pigeon #1 - "Oh, snap!"

Well, we thought it was funny!

For Mother's Day today we went out to lunch... and guess who was there! Richard Gere!!!! He was having dinner with his family. I didn't see him, but my dad did. It was very exciting. I guess his mom went to school with the manager or something... and so they go to dinner there often. I can't imagine how hard it must be for him to just go out to dinner - anywhere - with his mother on Mother's Day. He was wearing a hat so as not to attract attention, but it didn't do much. I think just about everyone in the restaurant knew he was there.

I'm teaching Kid's Church on the 31st. And my roomies are coming to visit the weekend after next. That will be fun! I was never able to find a job in Rochester, so I'm staying here for the summer. So let us restart the countdown: About 3 months left. I'll be going back to school a week early for SA training, and the week before that I'm taking a vacation to New Jersey - where one of my roommates (Andrea) lives. So there's lots to look forward to, and a very short time left to be here.

Not sure yet what's going to happen with KC Camp... right now it looks like I'll be teaching unless someone else steps up. We'll see! And as far as Phil and I go... well, hopefully you'll be looking at pics of a ring soon! ;) Just a heads-up! (No pressure Phil... actually, I take that back -- a lot of pressure!!) :-P

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. It's kinda tough to find things to write about when every day seems to be the same as the one before. I am writing this morning from Phil's house. He had to go to a rehearsal this morning, and won't be back for a few hours so I figured it would be a good time to check email, update blogs, and play games on Facebook!

Last night Phil and I (finally) watched the last two episodes of Friends season 9. We've been working our way through them in order... only one more season to go! Phil was glad that Rachel and Joey wound up together... I have mixed feelings about it. It's still in my mind that Rachel and Ross should get married!

My sisters and mom don't have school/work this week. That's one bad thing about working at a daycare -- whenever kids don't have school, we can't take time off because we have more kids than usual. Oh, well. It means more hours, right?

I have been working on the details of getting back to Roberts this summer. It's all riding on one detail at this point: whether I can get a job at Childtime, and whether I can get a full-time position there. I interviewed (over the phone) for a position with Student Calling and I got it! But that's only 10 hours a week. If I can get that full-time job, I'll be able to live in Beeson with my roommates and work 2 jobs and take an online course second session.

I suppose I should stop boring you with my mundane life. Maybe I'll play sudoku on Facebook?

Until next time,

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Reason #4

And today's reason is...

I'm their "mama"

I know that the parents of my kids wouldn't be too happy to hear this, but it's true: I've become a second mother to these children! When I leave the room, Christina* cries like it's her job. Before I leave at the end of the day, I have to get a hug from every young one in my room. Before they leave, they blow me kisses. Not to mention they often call me "mama." And I must admit -- I love being "mama."

I have to add a side-note:
Today I was reading a book that had a picture of a cow in it. I told Nick,* "Say 'Cow,' Nick!" And he said, "Moo!"

*Names have been changed to protect confidentiality of the children in my class :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Reason #3

Okay, Okay... I know that I haven't exactly been keeping up on my reasons... but I have been thinking about them throughout the day - - and most days I come up with one! Here is today's:

I tooted!

This morning I was doing paperwork (filling out what the kids were eating for breakfast and such) when I heard one of the kids announce "I tooted!!" Now, there's something that you should know about 2-year-olds. If they have something to say, they'll say it - and if they don't think you heard them the first time, they'll repeat it. Louder. And again and again and again. Until you acknowledge their existance and what they are saying.

"I tooted!" "I tooted!!" "I tooted!!!!"

Let me tell you - sometimes it's not only annoying.