Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Break


Well, since most of my readers are here in Liverpool, I wasn't planning on updating my blog... but I suppose I will for the 3 or 4 of you who aren't here.

Christmas break has been going very well. Work is work... nothing much to report. I've been working with my RA from last year cleaning the Quads (girls' dorms). We finished all 8 floors last week, which was more than our boss expected we'd accomplish. I think that when I get back to school we're going to have to clean the cleaning closets (oh, joy). And at some point I'm going to clean my dorm.

I got home last Saturday, and have been enjoying a lot of good family time :) Christmas was really nice this year. Very laid back and relaxing. On Christmas Eve I gave the Children's Message (in front of the congregation)... I'll never do that again. It went okay, I guess it's just that it's not something I'm used to doing. When I told Rachel I'd never do it again she said, "Oh, stop Elizabeth, you will so do it again" and she's probably right. Oh, well. The service was really nice. There were two services, and of course we stayed for both. Christopher Ames played for us -- I love his music! Second service the Keller family did advent, and they did a great job of sharing their family's Christmas traditions.

The day after Christmas I got some really good time with my family. We all stayed home and played board and card games all day. I don't think that any of us even changed out of our pajamas that day. I loved it!! Today has been laid back, too.

I'll go back to school on Tuesday and start work again on Wednesday. School starts again on the 14th. I can't believe I'll be a second semester sophomore!! I'm looking forward to my classes next semester. I'm taking my beginning classes for R&P. :)

I'm running out of things to say... Oh! I got a new cell phone! It has unlimited calls and texts. I don't have it yet, but I'll let you know when I get it what the new number is.

Bye for now!

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