Saturday, December 15, 2007

Finals Week

Finals are finished! I am so happy to be done with school for a while... but at the same time, I'm ready to dive into my next semester. Oh, well. This break is very much needed. And the money that I'll be making is much needed too.

I only had one test - The rest of my "finals" were projects, presentations, portfolios, and papers. I feel like they all went well. I got three of my grades already, two of which were actually lower than I anticipated and the other was much higher than I probably deserved (weird...).

Everyone in my dorm is gone. I think there's one other person in the building, but I'm not sure. I'm starting work on Monday full-time, so that should keep me busy enough. I also plan to work on writing the curriculum for the summer's Kid's Church (I'm thinking a sports theme... any suggestions?) and playing lots of Sudoku and coloring in lots of coloring books! :)

I guess that's pretty much it for now... my last few entries haven't been very interesting, have they? I guess I have a pretty boring life, lol. Oh, well. Maybe over break something exciting will happen and I'll figure out an entertaining way to write about it.

Until next time,

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