Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Loss of Motivation :(

I just read this entry and it's basically me rambling because I feel guilty about not updating this blog in so long. I can sum it up now if you don't feel like reading: Nothing has happened since my last entry. :)

So this past week I have not been motivated at all to do any work whatsoever. It's gotten pretty bad...

Finals are next week. I have a take-home test, a research paper, and another paper due on Monday; a presentation on Tuesday; a test and a portfolio due on Wednesday; and a party for FYS on Thursday. It's that stuff due on Monday that is stressing me out the most I think, though it must not be stressing me out very much considering I have procrastinated so much this week.

I'm not sure yet when I'll be coming home. Honestly, I'm not anxious to be home. I am afraid that four weeks of being home won't necessarily be good for me. I love my family so much, and I don't want to get on their nerves (or vice-versa). We'll see. I'll come home on Friday at the very earliest.

Nothing out of the ordinary has happened recently. It's been pretty normal here. I'm finally done with Social Life stuff for the semester, so that's good. My last OPE was today. I baked the kids cupcakes and some of them drew me pictures. I wasn't tired last night... either that or I just didn't feel like going to bed, so I didn't get much sleep last night. I think I may be getting a little sick, so I'm going to be sure to get more sleep tonight and the rest of this week. Of course it doesn't help that the food in Garlock has been less than appetizing and it's been really cold out lately.

Well, I didn't have anything to say in the beginning... and I have even less to say now, so I'll releive those of you who are still reading. :-P Have a great week!

~ Beth

1 comment:

Chris S. said...

I have got an idea! Think about it this way... YOUR ENTIRE FUTURE RESTS ON THE OUTCOME OF YOUR GRADES! Is that motivation enough for ya:-) Just kidding though, I know it is tough when it is non-stop but think about it like this, if you can motivate yourself to have the discipline to get the work done now you won't have to work as hard to motivate yourself later when a grade is not on the line. Hang in there!