Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thank you!!

I just want to say thank you to all of you who have been praying for me. Even if you hadn't told me that you were praying, I would have known it. Only a few hours after I wrote that last post, I really felt a load being lifted off of my shoulders. I knew that people were praying. I honeslty can't even explain it -- I totally have felt God working in me these past few days. I haven't been stressed, and I have been so much more joyful!!

My friends saw it in me. I wrote my last post on Tuesday morning, and afterward I went to lunch and classes. My friends could tell that something was wrong. Two times that day I heard the words "You haven't been yourself" or "that's not like you." I was stressed and tired and ready to just be done. But by Tuesday night, and all throughout today I don't even know how many times people have commented on how much happier I am.

Seriously, thank you. It is so good to know that there are people who care enough about me to be my prayer warriors. Your prayers have made a change for me. God is so good!!

Although I am not looking forward to the workload that this weekend brings, I find peace and rest in the fact that there are people praying for me and that God is steady. He will always be here for me -- and so will the people that love me. Thanks for being those people.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Post #25

i'm stressed. i've dug myself into a hole this semester. i don't have any time to myself, unless i decide to sacrifice a homework assignment to go for a walk or hang out with friends at BTs for an hour. my classes require a lot of reading (which i'm not good at to begin with) and SA stuff is basically exploding in my face. Roberts Icon is this friday and next friday..... i hope things calm down after that. they need to, or i honestly don't know how much longer i can stay on SA. i can't let my academics suffer. and i basically spend all of my time either in the library or in class (my roommate can attest to that!)

it's only tuesday and it feels like this week has taken forever to pass by. maybe it's because this weekend was filled with homework and preparations for roberts icon, so i didn't get a break. my friends are mad at me for not being around, the other sa leaders have been getting frusterated with me for not doing a very good job with social life, and i've been struggling to keep up in almost all of my classes. my spiritual life right now is average -- i have been relying on Him for strength, and i have been spending a lot of time in my Bible (outside of my homework for my Bible classes). i've really spread myself thin this semester... the thing is that i really want this double-major still. the first thing to go would definately be social life.

i was on the verge of tears last night thinking and praying about what i should do -- and one of the things that i was worried about is whether i should apply to be a RA. But this morning i had such a peace about applying -- i know that it's from God. God is so good!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Well, it's half-way through the second week of classes... wow! It feels like it's been a lot longer. I have been working my butt of in my classes and with Social Life, and haven't really had all that much of a social life of my own. Oh well. I really need to stay buckled down this semester if I want to truly test out this double-major.

I love my classes!! I wish I didn't have to take gym or intro to dance, though. And I feel inadequate to be in my worldview class. My favorite class is probably the Pentateuch (I've already learned how to spell it! hurray!) I also really like spanish, although I'm in over my head - and will be for another week or so. I'm picking up the language very quickly, though, which is good! My only education course this semester is assessment in inclusive settings, and it has an OPE. I really, really, really, REALLY like my OPE this semester. The only thing is that I have to share :-P with another student -- we have coteachers for second grade -- an inclusive classroom. Second grade is what I've wanted to teach for as long as I can remember -- and I love it!!

The only class that I haven't mentioned yet I think is Philisophical and Ethical Issues. It's a gen-ed -- nothing special. My teacher is really good for that class -- he reminds me of Adam Pitzer, if that gives you an idea of who he is. :) Very knowledgeable about the topic and how to teach it.

There has been so much to do for Social Life!! AAHH!! It really is stressing me out. Roberts Icon is a performance that mimics American Idol -- it's our next event and it's in less than two weeks. Needless to say there has been a lot to do this past week and a half.

Things with the new roomie are good good good!! She and I are both very busy this semester, so we hardly ever see each other, but when we do we tend to have a lot of fun.

I'm going to apply to be a RA!! Woo hoo!! Applications come out on Monday. I don't know when they're due, but I think pretty soon after that. I really need prayer about that -- the application process to be a RA is very rigorous... there's like three different stages. I think 50 people applied last year, and there were only 8 slots available. (that's not nerve-wracking at all!)

I guess that's it for now!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

2nd Semester Sophomore

Classes begin tomorrow! I'm excited. I'm looking forward to just about all of my classes. This should be an exciting semester as I begin my dual-major. Social Life events are going to be hard this semester, because I don't have an assistant -- but that's also a reason why it will be more easy. It was difficult for me to work with someone who didn't want to be there. I'm getting tired of Social Life, but I decided to stick it out until the end of the semester.

Break was pretty good. It was a lot of work sometimes... people can be pretty messy. But for the most part it wasn't that bad. I'm considering working this semester for housekeeping, just to get a few extra dollars in my pocket -- especially since I don't know yet what I will be doing for money this summer. We'll see how my classes go first.

:) Happy Sunday!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!

Ah, a new year! I love New Years. I'm not sure why exactly, but it just feels like a fresh start (which, if you think about it, doesn't make any sense since the only thing that changes is what year you write on your checks). I am looking forward to what this year has to offer. I have some New Years' Resolutions that I want to start chipping away at, too. Most years I make a resolution about who I am -- something that will make me become more of the woman that I feel God is calling me to be. This year, I want to be nicer. I know that sounds stupid, but I don't feel like I've been as nice as I can be toward people. I also made a few resolutions about things that I have wanted to accomplish for a long time. Maybe I'll write more about that some other time.

I have a roommate this semester! Have I told you that yet? It's actually going really well. I enjoy living with Stacey, of course it has been an adjustment from having a room to myself. I think that she and I will get along very well -- and I also think that we'll learn a lot from each other this semester.

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do next year as far as extracurricular activities are concerned. I've thrown around the idea of being an R.A. quite a bit, but I'm not sure that I want to make a committment as big as that next year. I don't think that I want to be on SA again next year, but we'll see. That's something else I've been tossing around. These decisions have to be made very soon because the application processes will begin early this coming semester.

Classes begin on the 14th. Until then, I'm working 8-5 weekdays for housekeeping (on campus). My mom is coming over today to hang out! I'm looking forward to spending some one-on-one time with her -- that's something we don't get nearly enough of. The next time I'll be home is for winter break on February 16th.

In case you're wondering, here's my schedule for next semester:

Oh! One more important thing! I got a new cell phone for Christmas! A real one, too! I don't have it yet, because they were out of stock before Christmas and still haven't gotten another shipment in. Anyways, I'll be on a plan that gives me unlimited minutes and unlimited text! I'll let you know what the new number is when I get it.

I guess that's all the news I have. :)