Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thank you!!

I just want to say thank you to all of you who have been praying for me. Even if you hadn't told me that you were praying, I would have known it. Only a few hours after I wrote that last post, I really felt a load being lifted off of my shoulders. I knew that people were praying. I honeslty can't even explain it -- I totally have felt God working in me these past few days. I haven't been stressed, and I have been so much more joyful!!

My friends saw it in me. I wrote my last post on Tuesday morning, and afterward I went to lunch and classes. My friends could tell that something was wrong. Two times that day I heard the words "You haven't been yourself" or "that's not like you." I was stressed and tired and ready to just be done. But by Tuesday night, and all throughout today I don't even know how many times people have commented on how much happier I am.

Seriously, thank you. It is so good to know that there are people who care enough about me to be my prayer warriors. Your prayers have made a change for me. God is so good!!

Although I am not looking forward to the workload that this weekend brings, I find peace and rest in the fact that there are people praying for me and that God is steady. He will always be here for me -- and so will the people that love me. Thanks for being those people.

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