Thursday, February 28, 2008

New Post

I feel like I should write a new post, but nothing has happened. Maybe it's just that I don't feel like writing my paper...

This week was not stressful at all!! I am so very thankful for that -- I expected this week to be a killer. I am coming home again this weekend anyways because I realized while I was home over break how much I miss it there! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone :)

Sam is going to come home with me over Easter break! At least that's what we decided today -- who knows if it will really happen? And I am planning on coming home the weekend before that to see Nicole Cueva! :) :) (How much lonnger, Nic?) Ahh I can't wait to see you again!!!!

Okay, I think I'm going to go to bed and finish this paper in the morning. I'll see you on Sunday! :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

February Break

Ahhh.... this break was wonderful! Exactly what I needed, that's for sure. I got a lot of work done and I got a lot of rest too. Now I'm back at school ready to kick it into gear again.

Two things that I accomplished over break that really needed to get done: I cleaned my room and I did a bunch of homework. Everything in my room has been in boxes since I moved to college freshman year -- and I finally got all of the boxes out and made my bedroom look like a real room instead of a storage room. I really like how it looks. I have been behind in many of my classes, and over break I caught up a little bit. I didn't get everything done that I wanted to, but who honestly does over break? I actually got a lot more done than I realistically expected to.

Phil came to my house for the last few days of break! That was probably the highlight of my week. It was a lot of fun to be able to spend some time with him without worrying about tests or homework or other schoolwork. We got to go over to Pitzers' to play Killer Bunnies and we also spent some cool time with my family, as well as one-on-one. He asked me out too! :) We are now officially dating.

Well, it's time to do homework. I'll write more when more stuff happens.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

PS --

I almost forgot -- THANK YOU LCC!!!! Sam and I got our Valentine's Day care packages today and they simply made our days!! Thanks so much!!

Also, since I'm adding anyways -- you just have to check this out:

Oh Boy...

Only three more days!! That's all I keep telling myself...

My classes are going pretty well... I had my first Spanish test yesterday and it was easier than I thought it would be -- maybe because of how long I studied. I got an A- on my first paper for Worldview, which was very affirming since that is my hardest class. I love my OPE!!!! I'm in a second grade inclusive classroom. I only go in on Tuesday mornings - which is when they are doing centers, which I have never experienced before. I also get to see their morning routine. I absolutely love my Pentateuch class!! (But that's nothing new). Gym is gym... dance is dance... Assessment is interesting (that's my only education course this semester... the class that goes along with my OPE).

I have barely been getting any sleep at all, because I have so much homework and have not yet gotten into a good routine. I'm looking forward to this break to be a time of catching up and resting up!!

Phil's coming to my house at the end of break! Horray! You'll all get to meet him! (Adam and Nicole -- we have to play Killer Bunnies!!) Sam's going to Panama over break on her missions trip.

I ended up applying for a RA position. We'll see where it goes... I don't have my heart set on it, so I think that if I don't get a position it might be more of a releif than anything. I'm still not sure if I want one... but don't worry -- if I decide that I don't want one, I won't go through with the application process! I have a group interview at 6 tonight.

I'm trying to think if there's any other news... I guess everything here is just same-old same-old stuff. The stress has died down a LOT since Roberts Icon is over -- which went well, by the way! I'll be coming home ASAP on Friday... still have to talk to my family about when... but I'll be at church on Sunday!!

Monday, February 4, 2008


At this point I'm just waiting for winter break (2 more weeks!!)... I got sick this weekend and am still fighting off that last bit of it. I'm letting too many personal problems really stress me out, and of course I'm behind in the readings for my classes. Roberts Icon this week won't be nearly as stressful -- which is good, because I don't know how much more I can take. I feel far from God and from my friends. I haven't even carried on a two minute conversation with my roommate in the past four days. The stress has died down a LOT, but there are other worries that have had the time to fester inside of me while I was concentrating on other things, so I am dealing with those now...

I am considering not applying for an RA position... actually, I think that what I will end up doing is applying and then in a few weeks if I don't want to do it I will just talk to the Dean and I won't go through the whole process. I don't know if it's all the stress I've been feeling lately that makes me hesitate to apply or if it's something else, and I don't want to not apply now and regret it later when I'm not feeling as stressed (which, it feels like will never happen).

Okay, it's time for bed. Just thought I'd update this quickly before I started another busy day. Thanks for reading!