Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday Again

Well, it's Monday again, and I have decided that I'm not going to get lonely... no matter how alone I am. I want to make the best use of the time that I have to myself, rather than focusing on the fact that I have time to myself. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do when it comes time to get my own apartment! (I guess I just have to hope that never happens... hint hint wink wink) :-P

It's amazing what meeting together with old and new friends can do. Yesterday I went to a bible study that a few of my friends and I are doing together - I hadn't gone for 3 weeks - and it was wonderful! Actually, to be honest, I was pretty bored during the bible study (which isn't normal), but afterwards a couple of my old friends and I stuck around and talked for a little bit... and I realized how much I miss spending time with them! So, I'm making a resolution to "not give up meeting together," as it says in the Bible.

This has been the week for new resolutions... I feel like I've been in a rut lately in many areas of my life, and I'm finally starting to feel like I'm getting out of it - probably because I'm finally doing something about it!

Monday, October 20, 2008


i hate being alone in my apartment. it's not a good feeling... especially for hours on end. i don't know why, but this seems to heppen every monday and i hate it! after my classes are done, i come back to the apartment and, on mondays, there's nobody else around until late at night. people are in and out, but other than that it's just me. i get sooo much homework done, but it's just very depressing for me when i'm sitting in an empty apartment. i think that it's because the only place i ever go is to the dining hall or classes, and then i'm back here at the apartment. i don't get much interaction with people unless it happens in one of those three places. so when there's nobody around it really gets to me. i really need to start being proactive about this and get myself out there into the campus again.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I'd say that it's been busy, but I hate that excuse... especially since the business is what this blog is here to write about! Though it has been busy with classes and all that jazz.

Things here are good. Classes are going well. I've come to the realization that there is a very slim chance that I will be able to stay on the Dean's List for the rest of my time here at Roberts, because of my Spanish classes. But it's okay... that's how I learn... and learning is what college is all about!

Two or so weeks ago some of my roommates went apple picking, did I tell you this yet? Well, they bought two HUGE -- and I mean huge -- bags of JUMBO-SIZED apples!! So, of course, we had to figure out how we could use them... we made the following:
- Homemade Apple Pie (with homemade crust... mmmm!!!)
- Apple Crisp
- Two jars of Apple Butter (if you haven't ever tried it, you need to!)
- Apple Sauce
- Homemade Pumpkin Pie (they bought a pumpkin too)

Plus, of course, we have been eating apples galore for the past two weeks... but they're all gone now. Yesterday Sarah was in the kitchen and she said, "I feel like eating an apple... but they're all gone!" I never thought we would be saying that. I just hope that they don't miss it so much that they go out and do it all over again! But I guess what their plan is for October is to get pumpkins and make everything they can with those.

This weekend is October Break... I have Monday and Tuesday off from school. I'll be going to Ohio with Andrea to visit her grandmother. I'm looking forward to the weekend away, and to getting some down time with Andrea.

Well, I've bored you enough with my life. Until next time!!