Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Post #25

i'm stressed. i've dug myself into a hole this semester. i don't have any time to myself, unless i decide to sacrifice a homework assignment to go for a walk or hang out with friends at BTs for an hour. my classes require a lot of reading (which i'm not good at to begin with) and SA stuff is basically exploding in my face. Roberts Icon is this friday and next friday..... i hope things calm down after that. they need to, or i honestly don't know how much longer i can stay on SA. i can't let my academics suffer. and i basically spend all of my time either in the library or in class (my roommate can attest to that!)

it's only tuesday and it feels like this week has taken forever to pass by. maybe it's because this weekend was filled with homework and preparations for roberts icon, so i didn't get a break. my friends are mad at me for not being around, the other sa leaders have been getting frusterated with me for not doing a very good job with social life, and i've been struggling to keep up in almost all of my classes. my spiritual life right now is average -- i have been relying on Him for strength, and i have been spending a lot of time in my Bible (outside of my homework for my Bible classes). i've really spread myself thin this semester... the thing is that i really want this double-major still. the first thing to go would definately be social life.

i was on the verge of tears last night thinking and praying about what i should do -- and one of the things that i was worried about is whether i should apply to be a RA. But this morning i had such a peace about applying -- i know that it's from God. God is so good!

1 comment:

Team Cueva said...

wow awizabef ... thanks for truthfully sharing your struggles. being transparent is hard and it is not going unnoticed. please know that i am praying for you very specifically.

much love and many prayers,