Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Job Search

Well, I still don't have a job. The other day I had my second interview with Sears, which I thought was a good thing. I came to find out, though, that they don't hire seasonally except for Christmas break. I have a job for Christmas break, though! The manager wants to put me in the jewlery department, where she said I'd be making "good money" (her words).

I applied at I don't even know how many places. One of them is the Childtime Learning Center. Apparently I have enough credits in early childhood to qualify to be a Pre-K and K Lead Teacher! How cool is that?! I haven't heard back from them yet, and I'm getting a little antsy to know whether they are going to hire me... or even interview me for that matter.

It is so discouraging to not get interviews, especially when I've applied just about everywhere that I know is hiring. I was praying before my second interview at Sears that if that didn't work out, that God would have another plan for me that was even better. I'm hoping that this plan is the Childtime Learning Center, but even if it isn't all I want is to have a job by Monday. I highly doubt that will happen.

I just remembered why I began this post in the first place! It wasn't going to be about my job search, but oh well. Tomorrow I am going to become a Conference Ministerial Candidate! That basically means that I'm taking the next step toward being ordained in the Free Methodist Church. I'm so excited. My whole immediate family will be there, and Sam and Phil are coming too! Then I'm going to stay in Rochester (the ceremony is in Brockport) for the weekend, and drive myself home on Sunday night! What a wonderful weekend it will be!!

Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to look for a summer job. It's getting less and less likely that I will find one, because the longer it takes me, the less jobs there are. I need one more this summer than I have ever needed a job before.

Thanks for your prayers, and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Goals for the Summer

Each summer I write a list of goals that I want to accomplish. I've wanted to start this list for a long time, but I just never got around to it for some reason. Well, last night I wrote out my goals! Here they are:

- Always be meditating on a passage of Scripture
- Work out my finances for the next year, and take control of them for myself!
- Get a job, and enjoy it! (Whatever it may be)
- Don't spend one second wishing I could be somewhere else or doing something else (embrace every moment)
- Re-write my mission statement
- Pray for the children who come to KC Camp
- Read "The Five Love Languages of Children"

There are some others that I figured were too personal to write on my blog, but there you go! I'm looking forward to this summer - there is a lot of stress right now because I don't have a job yet, but I have faith that it will all work out. Until then, I'm doing everything I can to get myself out there and hope for the best!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 19, 2008

I've learned so much!

I started making a list of things that I learned this year in college, and here's what I came up with:

- Observation is a great way to learn
- It's not the paperwork that matters; it's what you've learned and can put into practice
- Family always comes first
- The Old Testament is not just the prelude to the New Testament; it's a part of our story!
- If you know who you are, you can change who you are
- The most important thing to remember about tests is that they must be reliable and valid to the instruction and curriculum
- Love is a powerful thing, only because of the actions that are produced by it
- Ambition is nothing without action
- I've learned more tenses than I can count in Spanish!!
- The way people look at life determines the way they live their life
- I am very good at writing lesson plans
- My friends are irreplaceable
- Always listen first (no matter what!)
- God created you to be the way you are for a reason
- We are all different from each other in our own way, and what works for one person may not work for another person

And... probably the best thing that I've learned this semester is:

- Treasure the moments that you have, and don't EVER wish that you could be somewhere else or doing something else, because you may never get this moment back!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

it finally hit me...

Yesterday it hit me that I'm leaving. I had a day full of "lasts" yesterday: Last time at North Gate for 4 months, last SA meeting ever, last Sunday before summer break, and potentially the last time at Phil's house for a while. I don't like lasts.

This week is finals week... I think it'll go by pretty fast. And then it's back home for me! Spanish final today, a communion service for Pentateuch on Tuesday, Assessment final and Worldview communion service (same teacher as Pentateuch) on Wednesday, and I have to log into a chat room for Philosophical and Ethical issues on Thursday. Not bad at all, I'd say!

This weekend was also my last Social Life event to ever put on. Spring Formal was on Friday night, and it went VERY well! The SA advisor told me that there were seniors who came up to her and told her that it was the best formal they had ever been to. I was very pleased. :) :) I don't have many pictures a) because I don't have my own camera and b) because most of the time I was making sure things were running smoothly. But here are the pictures that I stole from my friends ;)