Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Job Search

Well, I still don't have a job. The other day I had my second interview with Sears, which I thought was a good thing. I came to find out, though, that they don't hire seasonally except for Christmas break. I have a job for Christmas break, though! The manager wants to put me in the jewlery department, where she said I'd be making "good money" (her words).

I applied at I don't even know how many places. One of them is the Childtime Learning Center. Apparently I have enough credits in early childhood to qualify to be a Pre-K and K Lead Teacher! How cool is that?! I haven't heard back from them yet, and I'm getting a little antsy to know whether they are going to hire me... or even interview me for that matter.

It is so discouraging to not get interviews, especially when I've applied just about everywhere that I know is hiring. I was praying before my second interview at Sears that if that didn't work out, that God would have another plan for me that was even better. I'm hoping that this plan is the Childtime Learning Center, but even if it isn't all I want is to have a job by Monday. I highly doubt that will happen.

I just remembered why I began this post in the first place! It wasn't going to be about my job search, but oh well. Tomorrow I am going to become a Conference Ministerial Candidate! That basically means that I'm taking the next step toward being ordained in the Free Methodist Church. I'm so excited. My whole immediate family will be there, and Sam and Phil are coming too! Then I'm going to stay in Rochester (the ceremony is in Brockport) for the weekend, and drive myself home on Sunday night! What a wonderful weekend it will be!!

Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to look for a summer job. It's getting less and less likely that I will find one, because the longer it takes me, the less jobs there are. I need one more this summer than I have ever needed a job before.

Thanks for your prayers, and thanks for reading!

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