Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I just had to share this story.

Last Sunday I had planned a "Suite Reunion" for the girls that I lived with last year. We had said that we were going to make sure that we got together, since we weren't all living together this year and we really enjoyed living together last year. So I planned a get-together where we watched "The Little Mermaid" and made Monkey Bread. Well, it was Sunday so I was dressed up from church, but I didn't get a chance to change until about half way through the reunion... and completely by coincidence as I was about to walk into my room to get changed, Stacey and Sarah were walking out with sly looks on their faces. I jokingly asked, "What was going on in there??" and proceeded to go into my room, but they wouldn't let me.

Well, not even a minute later there was a knock on the door, and as a bunch of my other friends walked in with a cake, Sarah and Stacey started grabbing balloons from the room and throwing them out into the living room.

It was a surprise birthday party for me!! I can't say thank you enough... you guys are awesome!! It was the best birthday ever (even though it's not even my birthday yet) :) :) Thanks, guys!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dorm Life as a Junior

I thought I would put up some pictures of what dorm life has been like so far here at Roberts. :) Junior year baby!! Enjoy!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Why not thank God it's Monday, too? That's what I want to know! :)
This week my roommates and I are hosting a Japaneese student from our sister school in Osaka. Her name is Chihiro (Chee-hero). She's very nice, but doesn't understand much english. It's been a lot of fun having her here, though. She arrived yesterday and is staying until Saturday! We sectioned off a place in our living room with a couch so that she could have at least a little privacy. I think that it's working out very well for her, because it gives her her own space.

Today the students hosted an event in BTs so that we could see some Japaneese culture. It was fun, I tried some Japaneese junk food and got my name written in Japaneese (and I think she said that there's Chineese on there somewhere too??). It's been a lot of fun! :)

Friday, September 12, 2008


This has been a good week... it's actually gone by pretty fast. Spanish is getting better -- I can already tell a difference from where I was at the beginning of the year to where I am right now. I'm certainly not at the level I need to be for this Advanced Grammar class, though! Our first test was on Wednesday... no idea how it went, honestly.

My allergies have been attacking!! Which is weird, because I never had problems with this until about 4 years ago, and last year I never experienced any symptoms. Very strange.

The girls and I watched a great chick-flick last night! I think it was called Sweet Home Alabama. If you haven't watched it, you should!

I am so glad it's Friday. This weekend I have high hopes for getting a lot of homework done, and on Saturday I'm going over to Phil's house for his parents' famous homemade pizza and probably video games with his brothers and sister :) (And of course I can't forget about the time I'll get to spend with Phil!)

Also this Saturday a student from our sister school in Osaka, Japan is coming! We're hosting her for the week, and looking forward to it a lot! I think we want to take her out shopping and to coffee and stuff, but I don't know how much time we'll actually get with her because of her schedule.

Next weekend Phil's brother, Evan, is coming. I haven't met him yet, so I'll probably be making another trip to his house :) :) I love his family!! And then the weekend after that Abbey is coming!!!! :-D That will be a TON of fun! She comes on the 26th and will stay until the 28th. Schedule of events:

Friday: 9pm movie on the big screen, possibly javas?
Saturday: 8pm LIVE variety show, coffeehouse in BTs
Sunday: church at Northgate, youth group

Looking forward to the weekend, that's for sure!

Prayer Requests: Phil could use al lthe prayer support he can get right now as he tries to discern God's will

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy September!

This is the fourth day of taking classes as a Junior in college. Let me tell you -- it's just about exactly what I thought it would be like. I love my classes... for the most part. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE living in this appartment with my girlfriends. It's already been a great experience, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester with them.

The semester has already presented some struggles and stresses, but nothing God can't handle! I was listening to a song by David Crowder Band and I noticed that a few times in the song he says (very quickly), "Letting go gives us better grip." How true that is! Letting go of the worries and the stressers of my life and giving them over to God has given me such a sense of peace, and I feel like it's all under control (because it is!!). I love how God works.

Things to be praying about: I'm in WAYYY over my head in one of my Spanish courses, but I really don't have any choice but to take it and push through it. I have a tutor, but it's really been a struggle for me already. Also, that I will keep up with my homework and studies in my other classes as well as Spanish, because Spanish has been taking up quite a bit of my time.