Friday, September 12, 2008


This has been a good week... it's actually gone by pretty fast. Spanish is getting better -- I can already tell a difference from where I was at the beginning of the year to where I am right now. I'm certainly not at the level I need to be for this Advanced Grammar class, though! Our first test was on Wednesday... no idea how it went, honestly.

My allergies have been attacking!! Which is weird, because I never had problems with this until about 4 years ago, and last year I never experienced any symptoms. Very strange.

The girls and I watched a great chick-flick last night! I think it was called Sweet Home Alabama. If you haven't watched it, you should!

I am so glad it's Friday. This weekend I have high hopes for getting a lot of homework done, and on Saturday I'm going over to Phil's house for his parents' famous homemade pizza and probably video games with his brothers and sister :) (And of course I can't forget about the time I'll get to spend with Phil!)

Also this Saturday a student from our sister school in Osaka, Japan is coming! We're hosting her for the week, and looking forward to it a lot! I think we want to take her out shopping and to coffee and stuff, but I don't know how much time we'll actually get with her because of her schedule.

Next weekend Phil's brother, Evan, is coming. I haven't met him yet, so I'll probably be making another trip to his house :) :) I love his family!! And then the weekend after that Abbey is coming!!!! :-D That will be a TON of fun! She comes on the 26th and will stay until the 28th. Schedule of events:

Friday: 9pm movie on the big screen, possibly javas?
Saturday: 8pm LIVE variety show, coffeehouse in BTs
Sunday: church at Northgate, youth group

Looking forward to the weekend, that's for sure!

Prayer Requests: Phil could use al lthe prayer support he can get right now as he tries to discern God's will

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