Monday, September 15, 2008


Why not thank God it's Monday, too? That's what I want to know! :)
This week my roommates and I are hosting a Japaneese student from our sister school in Osaka. Her name is Chihiro (Chee-hero). She's very nice, but doesn't understand much english. It's been a lot of fun having her here, though. She arrived yesterday and is staying until Saturday! We sectioned off a place in our living room with a couch so that she could have at least a little privacy. I think that it's working out very well for her, because it gives her her own space.

Today the students hosted an event in BTs so that we could see some Japaneese culture. It was fun, I tried some Japaneese junk food and got my name written in Japaneese (and I think she said that there's Chineese on there somewhere too??). It's been a lot of fun! :)

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