Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy September!

This is the fourth day of taking classes as a Junior in college. Let me tell you -- it's just about exactly what I thought it would be like. I love my classes... for the most part. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE living in this appartment with my girlfriends. It's already been a great experience, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester with them.

The semester has already presented some struggles and stresses, but nothing God can't handle! I was listening to a song by David Crowder Band and I noticed that a few times in the song he says (very quickly), "Letting go gives us better grip." How true that is! Letting go of the worries and the stressers of my life and giving them over to God has given me such a sense of peace, and I feel like it's all under control (because it is!!). I love how God works.

Things to be praying about: I'm in WAYYY over my head in one of my Spanish courses, but I really don't have any choice but to take it and push through it. I have a tutor, but it's really been a struggle for me already. Also, that I will keep up with my homework and studies in my other classes as well as Spanish, because Spanish has been taking up quite a bit of my time.

1 comment:

Team Cueva said...

i am just getting a chance to read this ... but please know that i will be praying for your specific requests.
love you girl!