Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Well, I'm home safe and sound! Phillip and I drove through the storm on Friday... it took us 4 hours for what is usually just a 1.5 hour drive, but we got here! He stayed until yesterday afternoon, and thank goodness there was a break in the weather for him to get back home in less than 2 hours!

I've been working on getting myself moved back into my bedroom -- and making it conducive to living! It's quite a slow process. The majority of my Christmas presents are bought and wrapped... there are only a few left! I'm looking forward to the Christmas Eve service tomorrow night, and then Christmas is on Thursday!! I can't believe how quickly it has come up!

I made a deal with myself that if I made Dean's List this semester, I'll apply to take 21 credits Fall and Spring of next year so that I can get my extension to teach in Middle School (which would pretty much guarantee me a job in a school when I graduate). I think it's going to happen! I don't have all of my grades back yet, but the two classes I was most worried about I got a B- and an A- in, so I'm thinking I have a good chance of getting it!

The day after Christmas I'm headed to Phillip's house to spend some time with his family, which will be nice since I haven't spent much time with his older siblings. Then I start work on Monday! Horray!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Everyone's leaving me! I found out this morning that one of my friends left on Tuesday and I had no idea. Two of my roommates are also gone now. It's so sad knowing that I'm not coming back next semester... but I know that I'll be here often to visit!

I'm leaving for home on Friday! Phil's bringing me home and staying until Monday, so that will be nice! And we are going to play Killer Bunnies with Adam and Nicole on Saturday, which we are greatly looking forward to! Phil bought the game, but it's just not the same with only two people and no expansion packs!

Christmas is in one week!

Monday, December 1, 2008

blogging in 11 minutes

i have about 11 minutes before i need to run out the door for breakfast before my 9:00 class, so i thought i'd update! i came back from thanksgiving break saturday afternoon and was able to spend some time with phil before classes started again today. it was really nice -- and i was planning on sleeping in my apartment, but mrs. goodberry didn't want me by myself here so she insisted that i stay at their house. how nice she is!

8 minutes...

i have two projects that i haven't started yet that are due by finals week... i actually don't have many finals, which is nice! i'll be coming home with phil on the 19th, and he's staying the weekend!!

5 minutes...

i'm spending most of these minutes trying to think of something to write about -- and having little luck. so i think i'm going to use the time more productively and get ready to go! have a great week!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Book File

My book file is due this Friday!! I'm hoping (this is an unrealistic hope, I realize) to have it done by Wednesday when I have class. I don't know if I've mentioned my book file yet, but it's basically a compilation of 15 files about 15 different books: each file includes the book's title, author, illustrator, copyright date, publisher, number of pages, any awards it has won, grade level of the book, what type of book it is, a summary of the book from start to finish, my own commentary of the book, teaching ideas for the book, and a list of related books. Needless to say, it takes a long time to do one of them. Anyways, I'm continuing my book file online, so if anybody is interested, here's the link to my book file blog: http://kidsbookreview.blogspot.com/

Happy Saturday!! :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Okay, I have a story that's post-worthy. So I have this prof. that always tells us in GREAT DEAIL about our assignments... i mean, more that i would ever want to know... and we have to make a children's book for this class. I'm very proud of my book -- it's about a little boy who goes to the grocery store with his mom... and everything that she buys he says, "i don't like that" and she says "you will." finally when they get home, his mom sets chicken noodle soup in front of him, and he is overjoyed because he likes chicken noodle soup! i also wanted to translate it to spanih so it could be a bilingual book. Phil did the illustrations for me, and at my request he did them by cutting out pieces of construction paper and pasting them together to make each picture (there are 10 total pictures). well, two nights ago (thursday night) i, for some random reason, decided to look at the due date on that assignment... and realized that it was due the next day by 3:00!! it was 10:00 at night when i realized this... i had the story written, but not translated, we had some random pieces of cut-outs for the illustrations, but not nearly close to being done.

SOOO... we went into panic mode, phil and i cutting out paper like it was our job, until 11:00 when open hours were over and he had to leave. at that point i was ready to give up, but one of my roommates who is fluent in spanish said that she would translate it for me and get it checked by one of our spanish profs the next day, so then i felt that i had to continue. so i stayed up until 3:00am finishing the illustrations, then at 7 when i got up i tied up some loose ends on the written portion of the book and then went to the library to scan all of the illustrations into the computer (because we didn't make enough of each piece to have one for each page... for example, we used the same body for the boy on every page). then i had OPE, where i taught a lesson on how to write a DBQ introduction, from 11-2... that left me one hour (when i would normally have been in class) to finish up the book -- which meant printing these pictures on the special paper front and back, very specifically (pictures on the left, words on the right). i can't even articulate how difficult it was to do this, let me just say that it took us 2.5 hours... so i didn't get it in until 5:00, but my prof was still there so it was all good.

the crazy thing about this is that my prof, the one i was telling you about in the beginning who always tells us way too much about every assignment, never said a word about our picture books being due! i don't get that -- it's so out of her character to not remind us. granted, as college students we should be expected to remember our own assignments, but at roberts our profs spoil us with reminders.

anyways, the book turned out exactly as it would have if i had another week or two to finish it. it's a miracle, let me tell you. we put together this book in less than 24 hours, and it came out exactly as i imagined it! :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

It seems that Monday is the day to write in my blog! Not much is going on here... this weekend was wonderful, this week is going to be normal, and that's pretty much it! I still haven't sent in my absentee ballot, I'm going to do that today. My dad is going to be hunting up here all next week... he said one day he's going to have me and Phil over for biscuts and gravy. :) Sam and I are hanging out today for the first time in way too long. I'm looking forward to that a lot!

Like I said, not much is going on... so there's not much to write about - - but I thought I'd update anyways :) Have a happy week!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday Again

Well, it's Monday again, and I have decided that I'm not going to get lonely... no matter how alone I am. I want to make the best use of the time that I have to myself, rather than focusing on the fact that I have time to myself. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do when it comes time to get my own apartment! (I guess I just have to hope that never happens... hint hint wink wink) :-P

It's amazing what meeting together with old and new friends can do. Yesterday I went to a bible study that a few of my friends and I are doing together - I hadn't gone for 3 weeks - and it was wonderful! Actually, to be honest, I was pretty bored during the bible study (which isn't normal), but afterwards a couple of my old friends and I stuck around and talked for a little bit... and I realized how much I miss spending time with them! So, I'm making a resolution to "not give up meeting together," as it says in the Bible.

This has been the week for new resolutions... I feel like I've been in a rut lately in many areas of my life, and I'm finally starting to feel like I'm getting out of it - probably because I'm finally doing something about it!

Monday, October 20, 2008


i hate being alone in my apartment. it's not a good feeling... especially for hours on end. i don't know why, but this seems to heppen every monday and i hate it! after my classes are done, i come back to the apartment and, on mondays, there's nobody else around until late at night. people are in and out, but other than that it's just me. i get sooo much homework done, but it's just very depressing for me when i'm sitting in an empty apartment. i think that it's because the only place i ever go is to the dining hall or classes, and then i'm back here at the apartment. i don't get much interaction with people unless it happens in one of those three places. so when there's nobody around it really gets to me. i really need to start being proactive about this and get myself out there into the campus again.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I'd say that it's been busy, but I hate that excuse... especially since the business is what this blog is here to write about! Though it has been busy with classes and all that jazz.

Things here are good. Classes are going well. I've come to the realization that there is a very slim chance that I will be able to stay on the Dean's List for the rest of my time here at Roberts, because of my Spanish classes. But it's okay... that's how I learn... and learning is what college is all about!

Two or so weeks ago some of my roommates went apple picking, did I tell you this yet? Well, they bought two HUGE -- and I mean huge -- bags of JUMBO-SIZED apples!! So, of course, we had to figure out how we could use them... we made the following:
- Homemade Apple Pie (with homemade crust... mmmm!!!)
- Apple Crisp
- Two jars of Apple Butter (if you haven't ever tried it, you need to!)
- Apple Sauce
- Homemade Pumpkin Pie (they bought a pumpkin too)

Plus, of course, we have been eating apples galore for the past two weeks... but they're all gone now. Yesterday Sarah was in the kitchen and she said, "I feel like eating an apple... but they're all gone!" I never thought we would be saying that. I just hope that they don't miss it so much that they go out and do it all over again! But I guess what their plan is for October is to get pumpkins and make everything they can with those.

This weekend is October Break... I have Monday and Tuesday off from school. I'll be going to Ohio with Andrea to visit her grandmother. I'm looking forward to the weekend away, and to getting some down time with Andrea.

Well, I've bored you enough with my life. Until next time!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I just had to share this story.

Last Sunday I had planned a "Suite Reunion" for the girls that I lived with last year. We had said that we were going to make sure that we got together, since we weren't all living together this year and we really enjoyed living together last year. So I planned a get-together where we watched "The Little Mermaid" and made Monkey Bread. Well, it was Sunday so I was dressed up from church, but I didn't get a chance to change until about half way through the reunion... and completely by coincidence as I was about to walk into my room to get changed, Stacey and Sarah were walking out with sly looks on their faces. I jokingly asked, "What was going on in there??" and proceeded to go into my room, but they wouldn't let me.

Well, not even a minute later there was a knock on the door, and as a bunch of my other friends walked in with a cake, Sarah and Stacey started grabbing balloons from the room and throwing them out into the living room.

It was a surprise birthday party for me!! I can't say thank you enough... you guys are awesome!! It was the best birthday ever (even though it's not even my birthday yet) :) :) Thanks, guys!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dorm Life as a Junior

I thought I would put up some pictures of what dorm life has been like so far here at Roberts. :) Junior year baby!! Enjoy!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Why not thank God it's Monday, too? That's what I want to know! :)
This week my roommates and I are hosting a Japaneese student from our sister school in Osaka. Her name is Chihiro (Chee-hero). She's very nice, but doesn't understand much english. It's been a lot of fun having her here, though. She arrived yesterday and is staying until Saturday! We sectioned off a place in our living room with a couch so that she could have at least a little privacy. I think that it's working out very well for her, because it gives her her own space.

Today the students hosted an event in BTs so that we could see some Japaneese culture. It was fun, I tried some Japaneese junk food and got my name written in Japaneese (and I think she said that there's Chineese on there somewhere too??). It's been a lot of fun! :)

Friday, September 12, 2008


This has been a good week... it's actually gone by pretty fast. Spanish is getting better -- I can already tell a difference from where I was at the beginning of the year to where I am right now. I'm certainly not at the level I need to be for this Advanced Grammar class, though! Our first test was on Wednesday... no idea how it went, honestly.

My allergies have been attacking!! Which is weird, because I never had problems with this until about 4 years ago, and last year I never experienced any symptoms. Very strange.

The girls and I watched a great chick-flick last night! I think it was called Sweet Home Alabama. If you haven't watched it, you should!

I am so glad it's Friday. This weekend I have high hopes for getting a lot of homework done, and on Saturday I'm going over to Phil's house for his parents' famous homemade pizza and probably video games with his brothers and sister :) (And of course I can't forget about the time I'll get to spend with Phil!)

Also this Saturday a student from our sister school in Osaka, Japan is coming! We're hosting her for the week, and looking forward to it a lot! I think we want to take her out shopping and to coffee and stuff, but I don't know how much time we'll actually get with her because of her schedule.

Next weekend Phil's brother, Evan, is coming. I haven't met him yet, so I'll probably be making another trip to his house :) :) I love his family!! And then the weekend after that Abbey is coming!!!! :-D That will be a TON of fun! She comes on the 26th and will stay until the 28th. Schedule of events:

Friday: 9pm movie on the big screen, possibly javas?
Saturday: 8pm LIVE variety show, coffeehouse in BTs
Sunday: church at Northgate, youth group

Looking forward to the weekend, that's for sure!

Prayer Requests: Phil could use al lthe prayer support he can get right now as he tries to discern God's will

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy September!

This is the fourth day of taking classes as a Junior in college. Let me tell you -- it's just about exactly what I thought it would be like. I love my classes... for the most part. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE living in this appartment with my girlfriends. It's already been a great experience, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester with them.

The semester has already presented some struggles and stresses, but nothing God can't handle! I was listening to a song by David Crowder Band and I noticed that a few times in the song he says (very quickly), "Letting go gives us better grip." How true that is! Letting go of the worries and the stressers of my life and giving them over to God has given me such a sense of peace, and I feel like it's all under control (because it is!!). I love how God works.

Things to be praying about: I'm in WAYYY over my head in one of my Spanish courses, but I really don't have any choice but to take it and push through it. I have a tutor, but it's really been a struggle for me already. Also, that I will keep up with my homework and studies in my other classes as well as Spanish, because Spanish has been taking up quite a bit of my time.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Exciting News!!

1) I'm all moved in and ready for classes to begin (well, almost... I still need to get my books)
2) Phil and I are going to help lead youth group at our church!! I'm very excited about this... we'll be working with Jr. Highers (6th-8th grade). It's a little nerve-wracking for me, since all my experience is with children, but I'm looking forward to the new experience.
4) I absolutely LOVE my apartment and all the girls I'm living with!!!! We went to Walmart today to get things to decorate the apartment, and I'm getting very excited.

That's it for now! There's a lot to do the day before classes :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

from camp

I am very excited to be writing to you from my new phone! I am at camp right now, and I was just browsing the internet and thought "I wonder if I could post from my phone?" Well, I can!

I am all moved in to my apartment on campus now! I'm quite excited about it! This semester is going to be a lot of fun, and I just know that I'm going to learn a lot!!

Yesterday I got to go out on the jetski for the first time all summer. Let me tell you - it's been too long! We also went blueberry picking yesterday. That was a lot of fun. I think most of my berries didn't make it to my bucket, though.

I started reading Wild Goose Chase this morning, and I love it!! I highly recommend this book to anyone qho wants to grow in their relationship with God and follow where God is leading them.

Okay, I'm off. Enjoy the rest of the summer!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Summer Reflections

I can't express in words how wonderful this summer has been. After the first month of looking for a job was over, I have really been able to embrace everything that I have committed to this summer, and as a result I've enjoyed it a LOT!

I know this might sound corny to some people, but it's amazing what a difference it makes in your life to have God working in you. It seems that every time I hand something over to God, He takes care of it, and He watches over me in ways that I never even though of.

Take, for example, working at Childtime this summer. Once I finally gave it up to God and allowed Him to do whatever it was that He was going to do, all I was expecting was to get a minimum wage job that I could keep for the summer and be somewhat okay with. But no, God provided for me a job that will, I believe, eventually turn into a carreer. A job that I have loved so much and cried about leaving on my last day.

I was praying yesterday, and just thanking God for all that He has been doing in my life. I don't know how much I've shared on this blog, but let me just say that this summer I have come to many realizations about where my life is headed, and I like where I'm going. Anyways, I was asking God, "Why have You chosen to bless me so abundantly??" I have friends from broken families, I know of people living in the streets, there are people who don't know the love of Christ, and yet I have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams! Why? And then, just as God always answers prayer, He led me to this passage:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

~Jeremiah 29:11-13~

My God is an awesome God! He is the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings! He is in complete control, whether we know it or not, yet He gives us the free will to decide whether we want to give ourselves over to Him. And when we allow Him to, He will take care of us even more than we could ever dare to ask or hope.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I won it!

I won the book for the contest!! And I can't wait to read it... I'm going to read it over my summer vacation (which is next week). :-D I can't wait to start it!
There's another book that I need to finish next week, too. "The 5 Love Languages of Children." I've started that one, and I want to finish it before I go back to school.
I need to get ready to go to work. I'll write more later. :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wild Goose Chase!!

Pastor Chris has a contest on his blog at http://coffeewithchris.com/ entitled "Wild Goose Chase." Whoever has the best story of a wild goose chase that they have experienced will win Mark Batterson’s newest book (releases on 8/19/08) Wild Goose Chase!! There is only one other story posted, and though I think it deserves the win, I'll try it out and post my story.

It has taken a lot of thinking to come to a decision about what I'm chasing, and here's why: All of the "wild goose chases" that I've been on have been either spiritual or emotional. I have a lot of dreams that I ache to start chasing, but I don't know that I've started yet. And I'm always chasing after a more full and deep relationship with God, but that would be so difficult to write about in only one blog. This summer I've also had a "wild goose chase" sort of experience with a relationship with someone in my life, but that is much too personal to write about in a blog post, mostly because of the reason why it's been a Wild Goose Chase!

So, here I sit, still trying to decide what to write about. I've thought about writing about writing about a wild goose chase, but I'm not a good enough writer to make it good enough to win a prize. Here is what I have come up with:

My Life as a Wild Goose Chase

There are some people in this world who know what they want, know how to get it, and go for it. There are other people in this world who don't have any idea what they want, which enables them to have everything they want! And then there are some other people in this world who know exactly what they want, and they may even know how to get it, but they just can't bring themselves to go for it. I am sad to say that this is the category that I fall in to in much of my life.

I have a plethora of dreams. The problem is that I can't reach them... yet. Here are some of them:

  • Open and run an orphanage in Mexico
  • Get married and (eventually) adopt kids
  • Get my masters in Elementary Education
  • Work as a Children's Pastor part-time while working as an Assistant Director at a ChildTime full-time
  • Be ordained as a Pastor in the Free Methodist Church
  • Write curriculum for Children's Ministry
  • Write at least one novel
  • Write at least one devotional
  • Go to Seminary for Counseling
  • Become fluent in Spanish
  • Sponsor as many children as I can
  • Give a Bible to everyone that I know doesn't have one

There are many things on this list that I could be working on right now. For instance, I could be preparing some of the children's ministry curriculum that I have already written for publishing. Or I could be starting one of the stories that has been developing in my head for the past few years. Or I could be practicing Spanish even now, as I'm sitting at home over the summer. And the list doesn't stop there, because there are other things on the list that I left off - things like develop a better relationship with the members in my family, or be a better friend to the people I know from school, or let God's love and joy flow through me every single day wherever I am. These are goals that I have set for myself every single day, and sometimes it feels like a wild goose chase trying to accomplish them, simply because I don't want to take the necessary steps to make them happen.

The fact of the matter is that life for all of us is going to be a wild goose chase if we don't decide what it is that we want and then take action and go for it!! Over and over again in the Bible Jesus talks about taking action. Nothing will happen unless we do something about what we want.

"You miss the forest for the trees! Here I am, standing right before you, and you aren't willing to recieve from me the life you say you want!" ~ John 5:39-40 (The Message)

We need to, I need to, start recognizing the moments when I have the opportunity to chase down a dream. My dreams are far from wild geese, especially with God on my side. I just have to see them as standing right before me waiting for me to catch them.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baby's First Steps

I know that I shouldn't have favorites, but I do. My favorite baby at Childtime took his first steps today!! And I was the one in the room with him when he did it!! It was so exciting, let me tell you -- there's nothing like seeing a baby take his first steps. And it was the first time I've seen it happen, too!
I set him down so he was standing in the middle of the room with nothing to hang on to, actually hoping that he would try to walk, but not expecting it. And then as I was picking up another baby I watched him take four good steps toward a shelf of toys...... and then fall flat on his face. It was so exciting!! Really, everyone should be able to experience a baby's first steps. There is absolutely nothing like it!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Seeking Adventure!!

This summer, God has blessed me so abundantly. He has given me a wonderful job that I enjoy and am good at. He has provided for me to see Phil and Sam often. He has provided for security in planning for next semester and on. This job that I have is one that I plan to keep even after I graduate from college -- (well, I at least plan to stay with the company. I will probably move to Rochester and try to find a job as an assistant director of a ChildTime there). I do count myself very blessed, and in so many areas of my life. So I don't want the rest of this post to sound ungrateful, because I am so thankful for the way that God has provided for me, not only this summer, but my whole life!

I feel restless. I feel like I will never be free. I will always go on doing what is expected of me and doing what is practical. I feel that I won't ever get a chance to have an adventure and just go out into the world with no plan and no security. I'm sure that practically that's a good thing, but it's something that I crave. I want to feel like I'm living!! I want to feel like I'm useful to the world. I want to go out and make a difference -- not just for a day or a week or a month, but for a lifetime! I want... I don't know what I want. All I know is that right now as I think about my life, I don't have any experiences when I just went out and did what I felt called to do.

For instance, for about 7 or 8 months now I've been feeling guilty for going to college. Spending money that I don't have and all of the money that I do have, and what for? For my education. Now, I value education as much as the next person, but to think about how $30,000 a year could change a community! It makes me ache to think about the food that I'm taking out of the mouths of children in other countries where they are starving... so that I can learn how to be a better teacher.

I'm taking a semester off of school. I will be going to school for Fall of '08 and Spring of '09 I'm taking off so that I can work and make some money. I've been thinking lately - yes, God has provided me with a secure and wonderful job here in Liverpool. He has been so good to me and everything has worked out so smoothly... but what if there's something more that I need to do? This is the time to do it!! Spring semester of '09 -- I'm going to have 8 months of no commitments (except work) in which time all I have to do is make sure that I make money. What if this is the last time I'll be able to have an adventure? I'm passing it up for the more practical plan - stay in Liverpool and keep the job I have.

Nothing will come of this. It's just how I feel. And writing helps.

And my prayer today is a song by BarlowGirl: "Surrender"

My hands hold safely to my dreams
Clutching tightly not one has fallen
So many years I've shaped each one
Reflecting my heart showing who I am
Now you're asking me to show
What I'm holding oh so tightly
Can't open my hands can't let go
Does it matter? Should I show you? Can't you let me go?

Surrender, surrender you whisper gently
You say I will be freeI know but can't you see?
My dreams are me. My dreams are me

You say you have a plan for me
And that you want the best for my life
Told me the world had yet to see
What you can do with one
That's committed to Your calling
I know of course what I should do
That I can't hold these dreams forever
If I give them now to You
Will You take them away forever?
Or can I dream again?

Monday, August 4, 2008

there's a first time for everything

today i called in sick to work for the first time. i hated doing it, especially since my director had told us that we can't take any time off in august because too many people were leaving. i hope she doesn't think that i was just trying to take a long weekend... but anyways i've been running a fever in the 100's all weekend. it was actually pretty cool, though, because when it came time for kc camp yesterday i felt fine. my throat hurt a little bit, but i didn't feel feverish and i was able to have the energy and awareness that you need when working with kids.

i just hope i feel better before tomorrow, because i don't think my concious can handle calling in sick again. plus, i forgot to clock out on friday night (oops!) haha i really must not have been feeling well

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Five Months

**WARNING: this one's gushy

Today marks the day that Phillip and I have been dating for five months. It's crazy to think about it, especially since it's been so much longer than that!

I was telling a friend the story of how we met and started dating, and I was surprised to find that I was very glad to tell her that we were friends for a good year and a half before we started dating. So, five months doesn't really mean much to me, to be honest. Because there are more important dates in our relationship.

It's been about 1 year and 10 months since we met.

It's been about 1 year and 6 months since we became really close friends.

It's been about 7 months since we started to consider dating.

At 4:30pm today it will be exactly 5 months since we started officially dating.

I am just so happy that we don't only have a dating relationship, but we have a strong friendship. That is what has kept us together, and what I believe is going to keep us together for a long time, if not forever. I can't express how happy I am to be celebrating 5 official months with my best friend! I love you, Phil!

Me and Phil Freshman Year

Us Freshman year again

Still Freshman year, we're going to Spring Formal! Phil went with Ashley, I went without a date.

Sophomore year, long before we started dating.

Sophomore year, not long after we started dating.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The only thing better than a good friend is one with chocolate

That's what it says on a paperweight that Sam gave to me like two years ago. I still have it sitting on my desk. I just love my friends!! Sam came again this weekend for a visit. I can't express how blessed I am to have a friend like her in my life. She has been there for me so many times, and I just love being with her in general! I love my best friend!! :)

Monday, July 7, 2008


My family has left for Michigan! And here I am, at home, getting ready to go to work... oh, well. I knew this wouldn't be a summer vacation.

Surprisingly, I am looking forward to having the house to myself. I am not scared about it at all. I will enjoy the time I get to spend alone and I think I'll get a lot done too!

Sam and Phil left this morning after a simply perfect weekend. I honestly was nervous about how it would go, since they have never come up together before. But we really had a good time, and I got to spend some alone time with both Sam and Phil individually.

KC Camp started yesterday, and it couldn't have gone better! We had 20 kids, which really helped it go well. And I got another volunteer!! Yay!! I just need to buy more prizes now, if there are going to be that many kids on a Sunday morning!

Well, I need to finish getting ready and head in to work. Bye bye for now!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I Have a Story!

So this morning I woke up to a rusting in my wall. My first instinct was to look around to see who was messing around in my room, but then I realized that it was coming from the wall! So I figured it was a moutoo tired to be freaked out by that idea (as long as it wasn't a robber or some other scary person, I was going back to sleep). But then it kept making noises, so it made me look around again... and I saw the shaddow of a bird at my window! There is a bird making a nest in my window!! It's in the window with my air conditioner, so I can't see it, but I can see its shaddow. I'm so excited!! I'll get to come home from work one day and see this bird's eggs hatch! :-D I know this probably isn't something to be excited about, since it is in my window, but I just don't care. It made my day!

Just thought I'd share :) Happy 4th of July!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Very First July Post!

Hurray for July!!

Well, not much has been going on here... I got my first paycheck that was exciting. And Cuevas will be here tonight sometime! I don't know if I'll get to see them today or not, I'll bet they'll be tired. I can't wait to see them all again, though! I have the day off today and then I work a full day tomorrow... and then Sam and Phillip come to visit for the long weekend!! I can't wait!

I really don't have anything to write about right now, I just felt like I should update. Hmm... Well, I went for a run with Samson this morning and guess what he did... he pooped in the middle of the road! Rachel asked me what road he pooped on and when I told her she said, "Me too!! Well, I mean, I didn't poop on that road, but Samson did once when he was with me." Just thought that was a funny quote to share.

Today I'm getting ready for KC Camp to begin. It starts on Sunday!! I can't wait... actually, I can. I'm not quite ready yet... Rachel and I are planning on going over to the church to start setting up for Sunday. I'm thankful that she's going to come with me to help, because she's a lot more creatively inclined than I am.

Until next time... Elizabeth ;)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Post #50!!!!

Wow, I can't believe that it's already Post #50... and yet, at the same time, I can't believe it's only been 50 posts... weird...

Well, let's see... a lot has been going on. I preached on Sunday about Esther. If you want to hear the sermon you can go to http://liverpoolchurch.com/media/messages/old-school/ and click on the part 5 message.

KC Camp starts the first week in July -- AKA next week!!!! I'm not ready... though I am VERY excited!! And I'm teaching Kid's Church this week. Sam's going to be here for the next three weekends (though this weekend she'll only be here on Sunday), and Phil is coming with her next weekend (to see the Cuevas!!!!!!!!! AAHH I can't wait!!!!)

I have been working a good 35-40 hours a week... and I still love it!! There was one day this week that was just awful, but I think that was mainly because I was sick... Oh, yeah... I've been sick since last Thursday -- just a really bad cold that I can't seem to get rid of. I'm hoping to get a TON of sleep this weekend so that I can nip it in the bud.

Love you all!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I know

i need to update, i know... but i can't right now

just thought i'd post something quick to let you know i'm still alive :) hopefully i'll have enough sanity after work one of these days to write something :-P

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Last Week and This Week :)

Wow, It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Sorry about that...

Well, this is week two at my new job, and I just love it!! I couldn't be happier -- I get to play with kids all day long! It can get stressful at times, expecially since some of these kids are quite a handful, but I still love it! My worst day yet hasn't been nearly as bad as a good day at Friendly's last summer, if that helps put it in perspective. :-D

Since I'm exhausted every day after work, I haven't been getting much else done. I had a meeting with Karen last week and it wasn't until I showed up that I realized I hadn't done anything for KC Camp since our last meeting. Oh, well. I'm glad she's so understanding.

This week I'm preaching on Sunday, and I have another meeting with Karen on Saturday, so I have a lot to do after work every day this week (which is probably why I'm updating... because there are things to do!) I'm such a procrastinator -- it really is awful!

Sam came last weekend and it was simply wonderful! We both needed some time together, so it was really nice. And Phil is coming for a visit this weekend!! Oh, I just can't wait!! (Cuevas: Phil and Sam will both be here the weekend that you are here, so you'll get to see Sam and finally meet Phil!!)

My family is going to Michigan in July, and they will also be going to Getaway Camp without me (because I have to stay here and make money). I'm a little nervous about how I will be in the house alone, so we'll see...

Here are some pics from this weekend with my Samantha Allison!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I got a job!!

I am so very blessed!! I was hired on Thursday at the Childtime Learning Center. Praise Jesus!! I will be more of a substitute teacher for them, but the director said that I can expect to get about 30 hours a week, and sometimes it might even be 40! I plan to get another job (maybe Family Video or babysitting??) for the evenings. I'm very excited. I had to get a TB test (AAHH) and fingerprinted before I could start, so after my second appointment at the doctor's tomorrow I can fill out the paperwork and start training!!

I really am so blessed. Thank you all so very very much for all your prayers. On Thursday I got a call from a woman who was looking for a summer babysitter 2 times a week for the whole day. I had put out some fliers around my neighborhood advertising myself as a nanny, and my next door neighbor gave this woman my name. There is another family that goes to my church that (i heard through the grapevine) is thinking about giving me a call. I won't be able to help the first woman out at all, because of my job at Childtime. I'm going to give her Rachel's name, though. I'm hoping that something works out with the second family, though. We'll see.

Yesterday I helped Julie Rumo and Stephanie Simon as they took pictures of the CNS Lacrosse teams. I collected money at a tent while they took pictures. It was soooo hot, but very worth it!

This is my first weekend since summer began that I don't get to spend with Phil, and honestly, it's been kinda hard for me. I am looking forward to seeing how God uses this summer to bring the two of us closer to Him, and to help us each grow individually so that we can grow together. It's the times like this weekend that are really difficult for me, though. Oh, well. Love never fails.

I have been meditating on 1 Corinthians 13 for a while now. When I began, it was because I wanted to get better at showing Phil how much I love him, but as I thought about the passage and prayed about it, I realized more and more how much God was telling me to love my family more.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

I have to say, it's a lot more difficult for me to apply this to my family than it is for me to apply it to my relationship with Phil or Sam. I guess it's just because you get to pick your friends; you're stuck with your family. I'm not saying that my family is hard to love, but it just doesn't come as naturally to me. How crazy is that?!?! Shouldn't your family be the people that you love the most? Shouldn't they be the people that you want to be the friendliest to, and spend the most time with? Well, I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't feel that way. Anyways, that's something that I have been really trying to do more of lately, and honestly I've been really struggling with it. But the Bible teaches that if you don't struggle with something like this, you won't develop perseverance or strength. If you don't struggle to be the person that God is calling you to be, what's the point?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I had hoped that by today I would be writing a post about my new job, but let me update you in case you are wondering what's been going in with the job search.

Last Friday I went in to the Childtime Learning Center to see if any progress had been made on my application, and they interviewed me on the spot! It was a loooong interview, with some difficult questions, but overall I felt like it went very very well. After the interview, Lisa (the director) gave me a tour of the building and told me that she would call me on Monday to let me know if the director in B'ville wants to hire me (the position I am applying for is only open in B'ville).

Well, it's Tuesday and I still don't know what's going to happen with this job. I called yesterday afternoon to ask about it and Lisa, who sounded very busy, said she hadn't heard yet and that she would check... soon. There was a baby crying and she really didn't sound like she had any time yesterday to worry about passing on news from another building to me.

Anyways, I'm hoping and praying for the call to come today, and for the person on the other line to have good news for me! We'll see.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your prayers!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Job Search

Well, I still don't have a job. The other day I had my second interview with Sears, which I thought was a good thing. I came to find out, though, that they don't hire seasonally except for Christmas break. I have a job for Christmas break, though! The manager wants to put me in the jewlery department, where she said I'd be making "good money" (her words).

I applied at I don't even know how many places. One of them is the Childtime Learning Center. Apparently I have enough credits in early childhood to qualify to be a Pre-K and K Lead Teacher! How cool is that?! I haven't heard back from them yet, and I'm getting a little antsy to know whether they are going to hire me... or even interview me for that matter.

It is so discouraging to not get interviews, especially when I've applied just about everywhere that I know is hiring. I was praying before my second interview at Sears that if that didn't work out, that God would have another plan for me that was even better. I'm hoping that this plan is the Childtime Learning Center, but even if it isn't all I want is to have a job by Monday. I highly doubt that will happen.

I just remembered why I began this post in the first place! It wasn't going to be about my job search, but oh well. Tomorrow I am going to become a Conference Ministerial Candidate! That basically means that I'm taking the next step toward being ordained in the Free Methodist Church. I'm so excited. My whole immediate family will be there, and Sam and Phil are coming too! Then I'm going to stay in Rochester (the ceremony is in Brockport) for the weekend, and drive myself home on Sunday night! What a wonderful weekend it will be!!

Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to look for a summer job. It's getting less and less likely that I will find one, because the longer it takes me, the less jobs there are. I need one more this summer than I have ever needed a job before.

Thanks for your prayers, and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Goals for the Summer

Each summer I write a list of goals that I want to accomplish. I've wanted to start this list for a long time, but I just never got around to it for some reason. Well, last night I wrote out my goals! Here they are:

- Always be meditating on a passage of Scripture
- Work out my finances for the next year, and take control of them for myself!
- Get a job, and enjoy it! (Whatever it may be)
- Don't spend one second wishing I could be somewhere else or doing something else (embrace every moment)
- Re-write my mission statement
- Pray for the children who come to KC Camp
- Read "The Five Love Languages of Children"

There are some others that I figured were too personal to write on my blog, but there you go! I'm looking forward to this summer - there is a lot of stress right now because I don't have a job yet, but I have faith that it will all work out. Until then, I'm doing everything I can to get myself out there and hope for the best!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 19, 2008

I've learned so much!

I started making a list of things that I learned this year in college, and here's what I came up with:

- Observation is a great way to learn
- It's not the paperwork that matters; it's what you've learned and can put into practice
- Family always comes first
- The Old Testament is not just the prelude to the New Testament; it's a part of our story!
- If you know who you are, you can change who you are
- The most important thing to remember about tests is that they must be reliable and valid to the instruction and curriculum
- Love is a powerful thing, only because of the actions that are produced by it
- Ambition is nothing without action
- I've learned more tenses than I can count in Spanish!!
- The way people look at life determines the way they live their life
- I am very good at writing lesson plans
- My friends are irreplaceable
- Always listen first (no matter what!)
- God created you to be the way you are for a reason
- We are all different from each other in our own way, and what works for one person may not work for another person

And... probably the best thing that I've learned this semester is:

- Treasure the moments that you have, and don't EVER wish that you could be somewhere else or doing something else, because you may never get this moment back!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

it finally hit me...

Yesterday it hit me that I'm leaving. I had a day full of "lasts" yesterday: Last time at North Gate for 4 months, last SA meeting ever, last Sunday before summer break, and potentially the last time at Phil's house for a while. I don't like lasts.

This week is finals week... I think it'll go by pretty fast. And then it's back home for me! Spanish final today, a communion service for Pentateuch on Tuesday, Assessment final and Worldview communion service (same teacher as Pentateuch) on Wednesday, and I have to log into a chat room for Philosophical and Ethical issues on Thursday. Not bad at all, I'd say!

This weekend was also my last Social Life event to ever put on. Spring Formal was on Friday night, and it went VERY well! The SA advisor told me that there were seniors who came up to her and told her that it was the best formal they had ever been to. I was very pleased. :) :) I don't have many pictures a) because I don't have my own camera and b) because most of the time I was making sure things were running smoothly. But here are the pictures that I stole from my friends ;)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Wonderful Weekend with my Wonderful Phillip

This Sunday Phil and I went up to camp after church, and we stayed there until after sunset. It was just wonderful! Not only did I need the time away from campus, but it was so wonderful to be able to spend some quality time just him and me.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Simply Wonderful

Can I just take a minute to say how thankful I am!!

I have such a great life... I go to a great college and am loving my major! I have been blessed with a great roommate, a fantastic boyfriend, and some simply wonderful friends, who I get to live with next year! (The friends, that is, not my boyfriend -- just wanted to clarify.) I have a wonderful advisor who is understanding and very, very helpful. My grades (for the most part) have been good, and I (again, for the most part) am enjoying my classes. I am just loving where I am right now, and embracing every moment that I have here.

The weather has been sooo nice!! I think that I've spent a significant amount of time in the sun every day for the past week. :) Isn't it amazing how nice weather makes everyone so happy?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Starving Children

There's this book that I have to read for Philosophical and Ethical Issues called Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger by Ronald J. Sider. It's about the hungry and starving people in third world countries. I haven't read much of it yet, but what I have read so far has touched my heart immensely. I have been thinking about it so much recently, and here's what I have realized:

America is a country that is starving for God. We are so hungry for Jesus in our lives. We need Him so much! We have a psychological and spiritual deficiency.

In countries such as Africa, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and many others, there are people starving for bread and water. These people are in need of a few extra cents so that they can feed their dying children. They have a physical and economic deficiency.

So, here is where my frustration kicks in: Why on earth aren't we, the rich Americans, doing everything we possibly can to stop this hurt in the world?? There are people all over the world CRYING OUT for God -- people who just want God to provide for them fifty more cents a day so that they can feed their families. And here I sit, in my dorm room, next to a full refrigerator, an overflowing closet, a warm bed, and a lock on my door, typing away on my laptop. It feels so wrong for me to be spending $30,000 a year to get an education when there are children starving. Who cares about my education, I want to help the people who are dying. These people are dying because I am too selfish to DO something!

I was talking to my boyfriend about this yesterday and he was saying how America needs our help too... We're going downhill fast, and there need to be good Christian men and women here, making a difference in America. He's right... but here's the issue I have with Americans: There are people who make millions and millions of dollars -- and they live the life of luxury!! How can they do that?!?! People like Bill Gates or Tom Gallisano or even the president of RWC ---- or the president of the USA... These people have done great things with their money, for example Gallisano donated sooo much money to the building of our multi-million dollar library here on campus. A library is good, education is good. But why do we need to spend so much money on one building?? I can't bring myself to be proud of that library...

The way I see it, people who have money should do everything that they can to help those who need the money the most. And part of that, I believe, is living a life of simplicity, and putting all of your extra time and money into helping others. I think that being a steward of your money involves not keeping it all to yourself as well as not giving it all to one person. People who have a lot of money need to give it away to touch as many people as possible.

Have you ever felt so passionately about something that it just made you want to throw up? I don't think I've felt this way about something in a long time... but I feel like I am not being who I need to be. I feel guilty for the way I have been using my money. I feel like I should be doing something about this -- not just learning about it. I feel like I am spending too much money on myself just by going to college.

And even as I sit here I think about my plans for tonight, to go to a show in a huge auditorium that probably cost as much as it does to save thousands of children from dying tonight. And after the show, I'm haded out with friends in a car to a restaurant where I am going to buy myself a dessert that costs as much as it would to pay for three families' meals for the day.

If I never go into missions, if I never leave the country again, I will certainly make it my goal to live a life of simplicity, and spend all the time and money I can on those who need it most.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

End of the Semester!

Wow... I can't believe how close it is to the end of the semester! It's kind of a weird feeling -- it has been a looong semester, but at the same time it feels like it just started. Strange...

Well, I'm begninng to realize all the big stuff that's coming up in the next few weeks... papers, projects, and of course my application for admission into the division of teacher education! Thank goodness there aren't as many little things on top of them, though!

There are a lot of things that I'm looking forward to this summer. I can't wait for KC Sports Camp!! And I sure can't wait to see the Cuevas again... but at the same time, I'm dreading leaving Sam and Phil and my roommate and other friends... I don't want to have to say goodbye to Gwen -- as she will probably be moving to North Carolina at the end of this year. I don't want to have to find a job... and I know that I will have a hard time living at home again for such a long period of time. Although I love LCC, I will miss my church here an aweful lot.

Oh well - I have four more weeks of classes left and then finals week, so I have some time to get stuff done and prepare myself for the change that is to come this summer.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

God Has A Plan

Last night I found out that I was not accepted to be on the Students Association again next year. I had interviewed on Monday, and I honestly had no idea how the interview went... But when I got that email, I felt heartbroken. I was depressed and I felt like I was worthless. I had to keep telling myself that it was not a judgement of my character -- it was just that a decision needed to be made.

Well, last night after I got that news I had a paper to write, so I went to the library. All that I really needed at that point was for someone to tell me something nice about me -- that I am good at what I do and specifically tell me what I have done that was worthwhile... I needed some encouragement from someone. Ever feel that way? I was aching for it. Well, by the grace of God two friends of mine showed up at the library and stopped by to talk - both of which always seem to put a smile on my face. One imparticular, though - Evan - he only sees the good in people. He really helped me to see some good things about myself. It was really encouraging to talk to him.

Anyways, I was walking back to my dorm really late last night and just praying about it -- and I think that God spoke to me through myself (has that ever happened to you?? It's kind of weird). I was telling Him that I KNOW that His plan is better than my own for myself, and I KNOW that down the raod I'm going to look back on this as a positive experience, but right now I am just crushed. I'm hurt and depressed and anxious about what next year will bring. And that's when I realized -- how stupid is it to be depressed and anxious about the fact that God's got even better plans for me than I did for myself?! If I know that down the road I will be glad that I didn't get an SA position, why am I wasting my time being sad about it?? It just doesn't make sense.

So, now I'm just trying to remember that... God has a plan -- and it's even better than the plan I had for myself for next semester! And - best of all - it's going to be a surprise!! (I'm not sure how I feel about the surprise part, but I'm working on it...)

And that's what's going on in the life of Elizabeth this week... thanks for reading!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April Fools!

AAHH!!! What a crazy April Fools' Day this was...

Okay, I need to fill you in on some background information before I dive into this year's April Fools' Day... So last year Ashley, Kelsey, and I decided to play some April Fools' jokes on the boys (Nate and Phil). April Fools' Day last year happened to be on Palm Sunday last year. So on March 31 it was open hours in Miner -- Phil had a concert and Kelsey coned Nate into going to BTs with her. So Ashley and I were free to do our deeds in their rooms!

We covered their shampoo bottles with saran (sp?) wrap, we short-sheeted their beds, we switched Phil's pants with Nate's pants, we hid their mouse balls, and we taped on of their shoes to the bottom of their desks and hid the other shoe. We also left them each a goodie bag on their beds (to make up for what they were about to find in their rooms) with a note on it saying "Do you know what tomorrow is? I do."
There are some funny side stories that go along with last year's pranks, but for the purpose of this post I'll leave those out. Ask me about it if you want to know! All you need to know now, though, is that April Fools' Day ended with them not being able to get us back for our pranks. We won!! But that meant we really had to watch out this year...

Well, Phil didn't retaliate at all this year -- and nobody did anything to him (at least to my knowledge)... but there were happenings between the other four of us...
Nate and Kelsey (who are now dating) were playing some April Fools' jokes through Facebook on their friends -- saying that Nate left Kelsey for another girl and such... well, that gave Ashley the idea to get into Nate's Facebook account (because she had his password) and change things on it... kelsey helped her and I wasn't aware of this until after Nate and Kelsey had agreed that they were done with Facebook pranks. Well, Ashley wasn't in on this agreement so she decided to continue it -- and she got me in on it.

So later that night Phil and I went out on a date and I left my room locked, with specific instructions to my roommate to keep the door locked all night. But she had her own ideas for some pranks that night -- she wanted to break into some of her friends' room, so she decided that it would be a good idea to try to unlock our room door with a bobbypin (practicing breaking into the room...) She managed to break the lock so badly that she had to have Security come and drill the lock in order for her to get back into the room. So now we have a hole in our door that can't lock, it's only like 7 at night, it's open hours, it's April Fools' Day, I'm out of the room, and Stacey had a meeting to go to. Our room was up for grabs. Here's a list of things that happened to us -- what happened to me was mostly done by Nate as a retaliation, but some of the girls on my floor helped him. What was done to Stacey was done by the girls whose room she was practicing to break into (she ended up TPing their door -- a LOT -- I mean layers).
  • My flip flops were hidden in Stacey's drawer
  • My computer background and screen saver were changed
  • My keys were put in a bowl of water (that never got the chance to freeze) in our freezer
  • My bookbag was hidden in my closet
  • Stacey had cereal and ice cubes in her pillowcase, sheets, and pajamas
  • Stacey had hand soap on her toothbrush
  • The letters on our door were turned upside-down
  • Our markers and magnets were stolen
  • There was lotion on the doorknob

It was an interesting night to say the least... (Pictures follow):

Monday, March 17, 2008

Next Year!!

So this morning I opened up my mailbox only to find that I did not get a position as a RA... YESSSSS!!!!!!!!! I know that this isn't something that people are usually excited about, but I really am... this whole process has really just gotten so annoying that I'm at the point where I don't even know if I would take the position if they had offered it to me. So hopefully they chose people who actually want to be RAs. This means that my friends and I can apply to live in an apartment!!! I am so excited. Even if we don't get an apartment, we are going to live together again in the Greek Village - Stacey and me in one room and the other three girls in another.

:) :) I can't wait for next year!!

Break in 3 days! woot woot

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Today I had my interview for RA. I felt like it really didn't go well at all, and that I didn't get the position. We'll see -- I'll find out on Monday or Tuesday (or at least that's their goal). The interview focused mainly on my weaknesses and on what I have been struggling with this semester, and I didn't feel like I showed them who I really am. I was thinking about it on the way to my interview -- I have not spent even ten minutes by myself (without working on something) in I don't even know how long, and as a result I don't even know where I am right now.

I have been struggling a lot this semester in many different ways. Some of it has to do with my course load, some has to do with the changes on my floor and in my personal life, but most of it has to do with my --- stupidity? I don't even know what. I have been procrastinating and spending my time carelessly only to realize at 1am how much homework I actually have due at 8. As a result of my poor decision making, I haven't been getting enough sleep, nutrition, or exercise; I haven't spent nearly enough time working for good grades or learning the material that I am supposed to be learning; and I also feel that my relationships with my friends have suffered.

I do think that I have improved a little bit - especially in my spiritual discipline. But there is much to still improve. I think that I have known all along what I need to do... it's doing it that's the problem.

So, anyways, at this interview we basically focused on these things that I have been struggling with, and because I haven't taken the time to process it (until now), when they asked me, "How do you deal with that?" or "What do you do to fix that?" I had to answer that I honestly don't know, because it's something that I am working through right now. I just wish that I could have shown them who I really am, instead of who I'm trying not to be.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Again, I feel like I should update... because I haven't in a long time... but I don't really have much to say.

I'm glad for another weekend. I'm staying at school this weekend, which I think will be good - especially in regards to getting homework done. I'm looking forward to this weekend. Tonight Sam and I are hanging out, tomorrow I plan to do homework and very possibly procrastinate a bit, and Sunday is Phil's birthday, so we're going out for lunch and then to his house for his bothday dinner (he lives like 15 minutes away from campus). It should be a good weekend.

Two more weeks until spring break!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

New Post

I feel like I should write a new post, but nothing has happened. Maybe it's just that I don't feel like writing my paper...

This week was not stressful at all!! I am so very thankful for that -- I expected this week to be a killer. I am coming home again this weekend anyways because I realized while I was home over break how much I miss it there! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone :)

Sam is going to come home with me over Easter break! At least that's what we decided today -- who knows if it will really happen? And I am planning on coming home the weekend before that to see Nicole Cueva! :) :) (How much lonnger, Nic?) Ahh I can't wait to see you again!!!!

Okay, I think I'm going to go to bed and finish this paper in the morning. I'll see you on Sunday! :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

February Break

Ahhh.... this break was wonderful! Exactly what I needed, that's for sure. I got a lot of work done and I got a lot of rest too. Now I'm back at school ready to kick it into gear again.

Two things that I accomplished over break that really needed to get done: I cleaned my room and I did a bunch of homework. Everything in my room has been in boxes since I moved to college freshman year -- and I finally got all of the boxes out and made my bedroom look like a real room instead of a storage room. I really like how it looks. I have been behind in many of my classes, and over break I caught up a little bit. I didn't get everything done that I wanted to, but who honestly does over break? I actually got a lot more done than I realistically expected to.

Phil came to my house for the last few days of break! That was probably the highlight of my week. It was a lot of fun to be able to spend some time with him without worrying about tests or homework or other schoolwork. We got to go over to Pitzers' to play Killer Bunnies and we also spent some cool time with my family, as well as one-on-one. He asked me out too! :) We are now officially dating.

Well, it's time to do homework. I'll write more when more stuff happens.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

PS --

I almost forgot -- THANK YOU LCC!!!! Sam and I got our Valentine's Day care packages today and they simply made our days!! Thanks so much!!

Also, since I'm adding anyways -- you just have to check this out:


Oh Boy...

Only three more days!! That's all I keep telling myself...

My classes are going pretty well... I had my first Spanish test yesterday and it was easier than I thought it would be -- maybe because of how long I studied. I got an A- on my first paper for Worldview, which was very affirming since that is my hardest class. I love my OPE!!!! I'm in a second grade inclusive classroom. I only go in on Tuesday mornings - which is when they are doing centers, which I have never experienced before. I also get to see their morning routine. I absolutely love my Pentateuch class!! (But that's nothing new). Gym is gym... dance is dance... Assessment is interesting (that's my only education course this semester... the class that goes along with my OPE).

I have barely been getting any sleep at all, because I have so much homework and have not yet gotten into a good routine. I'm looking forward to this break to be a time of catching up and resting up!!

Phil's coming to my house at the end of break! Horray! You'll all get to meet him! (Adam and Nicole -- we have to play Killer Bunnies!!) Sam's going to Panama over break on her missions trip.

I ended up applying for a RA position. We'll see where it goes... I don't have my heart set on it, so I think that if I don't get a position it might be more of a releif than anything. I'm still not sure if I want one... but don't worry -- if I decide that I don't want one, I won't go through with the application process! I have a group interview at 6 tonight.

I'm trying to think if there's any other news... I guess everything here is just same-old same-old stuff. The stress has died down a LOT since Roberts Icon is over -- which went well, by the way! I'll be coming home ASAP on Friday... still have to talk to my family about when... but I'll be at church on Sunday!!

Monday, February 4, 2008


At this point I'm just waiting for winter break (2 more weeks!!)... I got sick this weekend and am still fighting off that last bit of it. I'm letting too many personal problems really stress me out, and of course I'm behind in the readings for my classes. Roberts Icon this week won't be nearly as stressful -- which is good, because I don't know how much more I can take. I feel far from God and from my friends. I haven't even carried on a two minute conversation with my roommate in the past four days. The stress has died down a LOT, but there are other worries that have had the time to fester inside of me while I was concentrating on other things, so I am dealing with those now...

I am considering not applying for an RA position... actually, I think that what I will end up doing is applying and then in a few weeks if I don't want to do it I will just talk to the Dean and I won't go through the whole process. I don't know if it's all the stress I've been feeling lately that makes me hesitate to apply or if it's something else, and I don't want to not apply now and regret it later when I'm not feeling as stressed (which, it feels like will never happen).

Okay, it's time for bed. Just thought I'd update this quickly before I started another busy day. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thank you!!

I just want to say thank you to all of you who have been praying for me. Even if you hadn't told me that you were praying, I would have known it. Only a few hours after I wrote that last post, I really felt a load being lifted off of my shoulders. I knew that people were praying. I honeslty can't even explain it -- I totally have felt God working in me these past few days. I haven't been stressed, and I have been so much more joyful!!

My friends saw it in me. I wrote my last post on Tuesday morning, and afterward I went to lunch and classes. My friends could tell that something was wrong. Two times that day I heard the words "You haven't been yourself" or "that's not like you." I was stressed and tired and ready to just be done. But by Tuesday night, and all throughout today I don't even know how many times people have commented on how much happier I am.

Seriously, thank you. It is so good to know that there are people who care enough about me to be my prayer warriors. Your prayers have made a change for me. God is so good!!

Although I am not looking forward to the workload that this weekend brings, I find peace and rest in the fact that there are people praying for me and that God is steady. He will always be here for me -- and so will the people that love me. Thanks for being those people.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Post #25

i'm stressed. i've dug myself into a hole this semester. i don't have any time to myself, unless i decide to sacrifice a homework assignment to go for a walk or hang out with friends at BTs for an hour. my classes require a lot of reading (which i'm not good at to begin with) and SA stuff is basically exploding in my face. Roberts Icon is this friday and next friday..... i hope things calm down after that. they need to, or i honestly don't know how much longer i can stay on SA. i can't let my academics suffer. and i basically spend all of my time either in the library or in class (my roommate can attest to that!)

it's only tuesday and it feels like this week has taken forever to pass by. maybe it's because this weekend was filled with homework and preparations for roberts icon, so i didn't get a break. my friends are mad at me for not being around, the other sa leaders have been getting frusterated with me for not doing a very good job with social life, and i've been struggling to keep up in almost all of my classes. my spiritual life right now is average -- i have been relying on Him for strength, and i have been spending a lot of time in my Bible (outside of my homework for my Bible classes). i've really spread myself thin this semester... the thing is that i really want this double-major still. the first thing to go would definately be social life.

i was on the verge of tears last night thinking and praying about what i should do -- and one of the things that i was worried about is whether i should apply to be a RA. But this morning i had such a peace about applying -- i know that it's from God. God is so good!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Well, it's half-way through the second week of classes... wow! It feels like it's been a lot longer. I have been working my butt of in my classes and with Social Life, and haven't really had all that much of a social life of my own. Oh well. I really need to stay buckled down this semester if I want to truly test out this double-major.

I love my classes!! I wish I didn't have to take gym or intro to dance, though. And I feel inadequate to be in my worldview class. My favorite class is probably the Pentateuch (I've already learned how to spell it! hurray!) I also really like spanish, although I'm in over my head - and will be for another week or so. I'm picking up the language very quickly, though, which is good! My only education course this semester is assessment in inclusive settings, and it has an OPE. I really, really, really, REALLY like my OPE this semester. The only thing is that I have to share :-P with another student -- we have coteachers for second grade -- an inclusive classroom. Second grade is what I've wanted to teach for as long as I can remember -- and I love it!!

The only class that I haven't mentioned yet I think is Philisophical and Ethical Issues. It's a gen-ed -- nothing special. My teacher is really good for that class -- he reminds me of Adam Pitzer, if that gives you an idea of who he is. :) Very knowledgeable about the topic and how to teach it.

There has been so much to do for Social Life!! AAHH!! It really is stressing me out. Roberts Icon is a performance that mimics American Idol -- it's our next event and it's in less than two weeks. Needless to say there has been a lot to do this past week and a half.

Things with the new roomie are good good good!! She and I are both very busy this semester, so we hardly ever see each other, but when we do we tend to have a lot of fun.

I'm going to apply to be a RA!! Woo hoo!! Applications come out on Monday. I don't know when they're due, but I think pretty soon after that. I really need prayer about that -- the application process to be a RA is very rigorous... there's like three different stages. I think 50 people applied last year, and there were only 8 slots available. (that's not nerve-wracking at all!)

I guess that's it for now!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

2nd Semester Sophomore

Classes begin tomorrow! I'm excited. I'm looking forward to just about all of my classes. This should be an exciting semester as I begin my dual-major. Social Life events are going to be hard this semester, because I don't have an assistant -- but that's also a reason why it will be more easy. It was difficult for me to work with someone who didn't want to be there. I'm getting tired of Social Life, but I decided to stick it out until the end of the semester.

Break was pretty good. It was a lot of work sometimes... people can be pretty messy. But for the most part it wasn't that bad. I'm considering working this semester for housekeeping, just to get a few extra dollars in my pocket -- especially since I don't know yet what I will be doing for money this summer. We'll see how my classes go first.

:) Happy Sunday!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!

Ah, a new year! I love New Years. I'm not sure why exactly, but it just feels like a fresh start (which, if you think about it, doesn't make any sense since the only thing that changes is what year you write on your checks). I am looking forward to what this year has to offer. I have some New Years' Resolutions that I want to start chipping away at, too. Most years I make a resolution about who I am -- something that will make me become more of the woman that I feel God is calling me to be. This year, I want to be nicer. I know that sounds stupid, but I don't feel like I've been as nice as I can be toward people. I also made a few resolutions about things that I have wanted to accomplish for a long time. Maybe I'll write more about that some other time.

I have a roommate this semester! Have I told you that yet? It's actually going really well. I enjoy living with Stacey, of course it has been an adjustment from having a room to myself. I think that she and I will get along very well -- and I also think that we'll learn a lot from each other this semester.

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do next year as far as extracurricular activities are concerned. I've thrown around the idea of being an R.A. quite a bit, but I'm not sure that I want to make a committment as big as that next year. I don't think that I want to be on SA again next year, but we'll see. That's something else I've been tossing around. These decisions have to be made very soon because the application processes will begin early this coming semester.

Classes begin on the 14th. Until then, I'm working 8-5 weekdays for housekeeping (on campus). My mom is coming over today to hang out! I'm looking forward to spending some one-on-one time with her -- that's something we don't get nearly enough of. The next time I'll be home is for winter break on February 16th.

In case you're wondering, here's my schedule for next semester:

Oh! One more important thing! I got a new cell phone for Christmas! A real one, too! I don't have it yet, because they were out of stock before Christmas and still haven't gotten another shipment in. Anyways, I'll be on a plan that gives me unlimited minutes and unlimited text! I'll let you know what the new number is when I get it.

I guess that's all the news I have. :)